Purpose: observation Materials: plastic bottle Directions: Put 3/4 cup of sand in the bottom of the bottle. (Rinse the sand out until the water is clear.) Fill the bottle almost to the top with water. Add a drop of blue food coloring and the shells. To make a fish, blow a little air in the balloon and knot it. Draw on a face with a permanent marker and put it in the bottle. Glue on the lid. Variations: Put a small plastic scuba diver, boat, or other Muddy Water Bottle Purpose: observation Materials: plastic bottle Directions: Put 1/2 cup of dirt in the bottom of the bottle. Fill 2/3 full with water. Glue on the lid. Children can shake up the bottle and observe the dirt as it settles to the bottom. Variations: Fill the bottles with sand, peat moss, potting soil, gravel and other types of dirt. Compare what happens when you shake the different bottles. Which one settles first? Which one is the slowest to settle? Wave Bottle Purpose: observation Materials: plastic bottle Directions: Fill the bottle 2/3 full with water. Add several drops of food coloring. Fill the bottle to the top with baby oil, and then glue on the lid. Slowly move the bottle on its side to create waves. Shake the bottle up and then observe as the oil and water separate. Variations: Use vegetable oil and blue food coloring. |
King Kong _|_ Lincoln _|_ Valentines _|_ Calm _|_ Celebrate _|_ Exploration _|_ Language Numbers _|_ Observation I _|_ Obser II _|_ Obser III _|_ Sensory _|_ Small Motor _|_ Books _|_ Dr. Jean |