King Kong

King Kong     (Make fists like King Kong and say in a loud voice.)
Was just a teeny, tiny monkey  (Hold index finger an inch from thumb.)
Compared to my love for you.  (Cross arms on chest                                                        then extend out.)
King Kong
Was just a teeny, tiny monkey
Compared to my love for you.
I love you day and night.  (Make circle over head like sun.)
My love is out of sight!     (Lay head on palms.)

King Kong
Was just a teeny, tiny monkey
Compared to my love for you.

Hint!  When you say “King Kong” use a loud exaggerated voice.  On “teeny, tiny monkey” use a high squeaky voice.

Find a Penny

Find a penny,
Pick it up.
All day long
You’ll have good luck.

But if you give it
To a friend
Then your luck
Will never end!

Activities:  Give each child a penny.  Who is on the front?  What is on the back?  How old is the penny?  If the penny could talk, what would it say?  Make rubbings of the penny by placing a sheet of paper on top and rubbing with the side of a crayon.