Magic Bottle

Purpose:       observation
                     calm children

Materials:     plastic bottle
                     food coloring
                     pearlescent powder  (This is used to add an opaque finish to soap.  It can be purchased at most craft stores, such as Michael’s and A.C. Moore, by the soap making supplies.)

Directions:    Fill the bottle with water.  Add a few drops of food coloring (I like blue) and 1/2 tsp. of the pearlescent powder.  Glue on the lid.  Move the bottle slowly to activate the “magic.”

Variations:     Let each child hold the bottle and make a wish!

Quiet Bottle

Purpose:       calms children
                     gives children something to do with their hands

Materials:      plastic bottle
                     clear corn syrup

Directions:    Pour 1/3 to 1/2 cup of corn syrup in the bottle.  Add a few drops of food coloring and a teaspoon of glitter.  Glue on the lid.  Hold the bottle and slowly move it around to coat the inside.

Variations:     Add colored beads or sequins to the glitter.
                      Add plastic bugs, spiders, worms, and other
                      objects to the corn syrup.

Stress Bottle

Purpose:       relaxation

Materials:      plastic bottle
                     old crayons (not washable)
                     crayon sharpener or grater

Directions:    Make crayon shavings with the old crayons.  Put several tablespoons of the crayon shavings in the bottle and then fill it to the top with water. Glue on the lid.  Shake and then observe.

Variations:     Use the bottle for classroom management.  Shake up the bottle and challenge the children to be quiet for story (or whatever) before the shavings in the bottle all settle down.