Razzle Dazzle 3



Razzle Dazzle Ideas for Math


Seriate Snakes

Skills: serration; measurement; comparisons
Materials: colorful yarn or ribbon; play dough
Directions: Cut the yarn into 5 graduating pieces from 2” – 10”. Ask the children to put them in order from shortest to longest. Next, ask them to roll “snakes” from play dough. Can they arrange them in order? Which one is longest? Shortest? Can they make two snakes that are the same?
More! Use straws, cardboard rollers, or sticks to make similar games. Have children order rocks, shells, books, etc. from small to large.


Skills: shape recognition; visual matching; spatial skills
Materials: felt squares, poster board cut in 8” x 10” rectangles, construction paper, glue, scissors
Directions: Cut shapes out of felt using the patterns from the download. See the Downloads link in the menu at the left. Cut similar shapes out of construction paper. Glue the construction paper shapes to the poster board to make objects similar to those shown on the next page. Children look at the objects and then try to reproduce them with their shapes. Encourage children to create their own objects from the shapes.
More! Mix up the felt pieces, and then ask children to sort them. Can they seriate them by size?

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Stretch and Math

Skills: numeral recognition; shapes; math facts
Materials: heavy poster board, rubber bands, markers
Directions: Download the pattern and use it to cut rectangles with notches out of the poster board. Write numerals by the notches on one side and corresponding sets on the other side as shown. Children take the rubber bands and stretch them between numerals and sets. Turn the card over and draw lines to show the correct answers.
More! Use for matching shapes, facts and answers, letters, etc.

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