Razzle Dazzle 3


Razzle Dazzle Ideas for Math


Coupon Clippers

Skills: visual discrimination; sorting; money
Materials: coupons from grocery ads or newspapers, envelope or coupon folder
Directions: Ask the children to help you cut the coupons from the ads and newspaper. Store these in an envelope or coupon folder. Can they sort the coupons by amount? Can they sort the coupons another way (i.e. canned goods, cleaning items, etc.)?
More! Older children could add up how much money they would save with the coupons.

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Skills: money; inequalities
Materials: flyers from toy stores, grocery stores, or discount stores, paper, pencils, file folder
Directions: Write questions similar to those below on a file folder.
Children take the brochure and find items for each question. (They can write or draw the answer to the questions.)

  1. What costs $1.00?
  2. What costs $10.00?
  3. What costs $100.00?
  4. What would you like to buy for yourself?
  5. What would you like to buy for your teacher?
  6. What would you like to buy for your family?
More! Have children do a T-chart of wants and needs.

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Cell Phone

Skills: numeral recognition; addition
Materials: shower curtain liner, permanent marker, beanbag
Directions: Cut the shower curtain in fourths and draw the outline of a cell phone on a section similar to the one shown. (You could also use a poster board for this.) Place the giant cell phone on the floor and have children stand 2 or 3 feet away. Children take turns tossing the beanbag on the phone and identifying the numeral.
More! Use 2 beanbags and have children add up the numbers they land on.

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