Razzle Dazzle Ideas for
Small Motor Skills and Writing
Happy Hands ~ Small Motor Activities


Four Square

Skills: sorting; high frequency words
Materials: paper, pencils, clip board, word wall or dictionary
Directions: Have children draw a line down the middle of their paper horizontally and vertically to make four sections. Number the sections “1,” “2,” “3,” “4.” Ask children to write one letter words in the section numbered “1.” Write 2 letter words in the second section, etc.
More! Write one syllable words, two syllable words, etc.

Writing to a "T"

Skills: sorting; non-fiction writing
Materials: paper, crayons, pencils, clip board
Directions: Demonstrate how to make a “T” down the middle of the page with a crayon. Have children write words or draw pictures for things they “like” or “dislike”; things found “inside” or “outside”; “big” and “little”; “real” and “pretend”; “animals” and “plants,” etc.
More! Relate to science or social studies by having children draw “wants” and “needs” or “objects a magnet attracts” and “objects a magnet does not attract.” Have children sort “odd” and “even” numbers with a “T” chart.


Skills: writing; reinforce skills
Materials: paper, pencils, crayons
Directions: Ask children to create a web for one of the concepts below:

*Science theme                *Social studies unit
*All about me                    *Story elements
*Character traits               *Chunking
*Inflected endings             *Fact families

More! Use other graphic organizers, such as a Venn diagram, time line, or tic-tac-toe frame for writing exercises.

Letters to VIP’s

Skills: non-fiction writing; citizenship
Materials: paper, pencils, crayons, envelopes, addresses of the President, Governor, famous athletes or performers (available on the www)
Directions: Invite children to write letters/draw pictures to a “Very Important Person.” Model how to do a greeting and a closing. Encourage the children to address their envelopes and insert their letters. Then place all their letters in a clasp envelope and mail with a cover letter.
Hint! You might give children a topic, such as “If I were President I would….” Or they could ask a movie star, “What was your favorite book when you were in elementary school?”
More! Have a “wall of fame” where you display replies from VIP’s.

Lists and Lists!

Skills: writing; vocabulary
Materials: paper, pencils, clip board
Directions: Invite children to make lists of friends or school helpers.
More! Make lists of animals, foods, sports, fruits, things in the classroom, movements, and other categories.

Mini Mail

Skills: writing
Materials: mini-notes made from the pattern you can download, pencils, pens, class list, scissors, stickers (Check Download link in menu at left.)
Directions: Provide copies of the mini-notes. Children cut out and fold on the lines indicated. Children write messages to their classmates, then fold and secure with a sticker. They can use the class list to address their mini mail.
More! Let each child decorate a milk carton for a mailbox.

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