Razzle Dazzle - Part 2
Ideas for Small Motor Skills
and Writing Centers
October, 2008 -

This month I will continue sharing activities for learning centers in your classroom. (If you went to my “Razzle Dazzle Centers” workshop, most of the ideas will look familiar.) These centers are easy to make and can be adapted for different levels and skills you are working on. They can be used independently, with small groups, or sent home to do with parents.

Why Use Centers?

        Children have a choice and can work at their own level.
        Children develop social skills by learning to share and cooperate.
        Children learn responsibility and organizational skills.
        Children can repeat and practice skills.
        Children engage more senses and activate more pathways to the
                brain with hands-on centers.
        Centers integrate a variety of skills and concepts.

How do you store centers?

        zip bags                     pencil boxes
        tubs and baskets        plastic shoe hangers

How do you get started?

Make one or two new centers a week and introduce them to your students. Model how to use the materials and clean up.

        *Ask parents to help you make centers.
        *Swap centers with another teacher.

What Skills Can Be Developed with Centers?

alphabet knowledge
word fluency
oral language

math concepts
writing skills
science & social studies
small motor skills

We have some more wonderful downloads for you this month, too. Be sure to use the Downloads link at the left to see a them all.

*Watch for center ideas for math coming next month!

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