Razzle Dazzle Ideas for
Small Motor Skills and Writing
Happy Hands ~ Small Motor Activities


Rainbow Rice

Skills: small motor; letter recognition
Materials: macaroni in the shape of alphabet letters, food coloring, rubbing alcohol, zip bags, wax paper, butter tub with lid
Directions: Divide the letter macaroni into 4 zip bags. Add 1 Tb. rubbing alcohol and a squirt of food coloring to each bag, zip, and shake. Spread on wax paper to dry. Store in a butter tub or similar container. Challenge children to find the letters in their first name, last name, etc.
More! Have children glue letters to construction paper, craft sticks, etc.

Push Pin Designs

Skills: small motor; shapes; letters; seasonal designs
Materials: push pins (store in film container), construction paper, copy paper
Directions: Prepare patterns ahead of time on the copy paper. Children place the construction paper on the rug (or a carpet square) and put the pattern on top. Next, they take a push pin and make pricks all along the pattern. They can hold the construction paper up to a window to see their design.
More! Let children create their own push pin designs.

Connect the Dots

Skills: visual discrimination; writing
Materials: photo album with magnetic sheets, permanent marker, vis-à-vis marker, paper towel
Directions: Remove film from the sheets and make dots in the form of numerals, shapes, words, or simple objects. Smooth the film back in place. Children take the vis-à-vis marker and connect the dots. Remind them to erase with a paper towel when they are finished.
More! Make this book so the shapes and words are increasingly difficult.

Sensory Tub

Skills: small motor; writing skills; sensory stimulation
Materials: flat rectangular plastic container with lid, rice, sand, grits, etc.
Directions: Fill the container with a small layer of the sensory material. Children trace their names, high frequency words, numerals, etc. in the tub.
More! Squirt shaving cream in a container or let children use the shaving cream on a washable surface.

Lotty Dotty

Skills: small motor; numerals; letters; words
Materials: poster board cut in 8” x 5” rectangles, school glue, scrap paper, crayons with the paper removed
Directions: Make dots of glue on the poster board in the shape of numerals, letters, or other skills you are working on. Dry. Children trace the “invisible” dots with their finger. Next, they place a sheet of paper on top of the dots and rub with the side of a crayon. Finally, they connect the dots to reveal the symbol.
More! Make mystery words children can rub over. Write words with school glue. Children rub over these and then try to read the mystery word.

Sewing Cards

Skills: eye-hand coordination; small motor
Materials: food boxes, hole punch, shoe laces
Directions: Cut the front covers off the boxes. Punch holes around the edges. Children take a shoe lace and sew in and out of the holes.
More! Use plastic placemats or decorative paper plates to make sewing cards. Wrap a 4” piece of pipe cleaner around the end of a piece of yarn to make a simple needle for sewing cards. Let children sew in plastic canvas or burlap with plastic needles.

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