Razzle Dazzle Ideas for
Small Motor Skills and Writing
Happy Hands ~ Small Motor Activities


Predictable Books

Skills: writing; fluency
Materials: paper, stapler, scissors, crayons, pens, pencils, markers
Directions: Prepare blank books ahead of time by folding two sheets of paper in half and stapling. Use sentences similar to those below to write books:

               I like….                       I don’t like…
               I can…                        I wish…
               I know…                     I want…
               School is…                 Do you….?
               I see…                        I hear…


Stencils and Templates

Skills: small motor
Materials: cardboard, paper, pens, colored pencils
Directions: Cut stencils in geometric shapes, animal shapes, seasonal designs, etc. Children trace around the stencils on paper.
More! With a die cut machine, children can use the stencil and the shape. Offer lids, unit blocks, and other classroom objects for the children to trace around.

“Creation Station” Writing Center

Skills:           emergent writing                     motivation to write and read
          alphabet knowledge              concepts about print
          vocabulary                               high frequency words
          functional print                        expressive language
Materials:           pens, pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils
          variety of paper (colored, notepads, carbon paper) envelopes
junk mail stamps & ink pad
          chalkboard, dry erase board, magic slate, clipboard
          scissors, hole punch
          tape, glue, stapler
          dictionary, picture file, rolodex
          magnetic letters
          computer and printer
          manual typewriter
          blank books
          graph paper, blank calendars, book club order forms
          used greeting cards, postcards
More! An old desk would be a great attraction! Use a shoe rack or desk organizer to store materials. Make an “Author’s Wall” where children can display their writing. Construct a class mailbox from an old shoebox.


Skills: high frequency words; vocabulary
Materials: paper, pencil, index cards
Directions: Write words on the index cards. (These could be seasonal words, vocabulary words from a unit of study, etc.) Children choose a word and then write all the words they can think of with the letters in that word.

Acrostic Poem

Skills: phonics; vocabulary
Materials: paper, crayons, pencil, picture dictionary
Directions: Tell children to write their first name down the side of the paper with crayons. Can they think of a word that describes them that begins with each letter in their name? Demonstrate how to use the dictionary to look up words that begin with a different letters.
Hint! Invite children to read their acrostic poems to the class.
More! Use first and last names for children who need more challenging activities. Use holiday or seasonal words for acrostic poems.

Mystery Object

Skills: descriptive writing; predicting
Materials: shoe box, mystery object (something from nature, toy, classroom object), paper, pencil, clasp envelope
Directions: Place the object in the shoe box. (Tape shut!) Children take the box and shake it. Ask them to write their name on a sheet of paper and then draw or write what they think is in the box. Have them put their guess in the clasp envelope when they are finished. When everyone has had turn at this center, open the box!!!
More! Give hints about what is in the box to help children narrow their predictions. Place the mystery object in a sock so children can feel it.

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