Razzle Dazzle Ideas for
Small Motor Skills and Writing
Happy Hands ~ Small Motor Activities


Weavers Guild

Skills: eye-hand coordination; small motor
Materials: plastic berry baskets or mesh bags from potatoes or onions, yarn, string, ribbon
Directions: Cut the yarn and ribbon into varying lengths. Children string it through the basket or bag.
More! Make these in the spring with short pieces of yarn and hang in a tree for birds to use in building a nest.


Skills: small motor strength
Materials: scrap paper, hole punch, zip bag
Directions: Children punch holes in the scrap paper. Store holes in the bag.
More! Offer children hole punches with designs. Have children use the holes for cards and other art projects.

Scissor Wizards

Skills: scissor skills; small motor
Materials: construction paper, newspaper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, scissors with designs
Directions: Children use the scissors on different types of paper to create scallops, zigzags, etc.
More! Use the paper scraps to make a collage.

Stringing Things

Skills: eye-hand coordination; small motor
Materials: cereal with holes, pasta with holes, straws cut in ½” pieces, plastic cord
Directions: Give children pieces of plastic cord cut in 20”-24” pieces. Let them string the cereal, pasta, or straws on the cord and then tie to make a necklace.
More! Dental floss, string, or yarn can be used in place of the cord. Wrap a piece of masking tape around the end to make a needle. Give children colored cereal and challenge them to make a pattern. Let children design jewelry with inexpensive beads from a craft store.

Transfer Tongs

Skills: small motor; eye-hand coordination
Materials: 2 bowls, zip bag with objects such as nuts, counting bears, cotton balls, wrapped candy, etc., tongs
Directions: Children empty contents of bag in one bowl. Place the other bowl 4 hands away. Can they transfer all the objects to the empty bowl using the tongs?
More! Challenge children to move smaller objects with tweezers. They can use a spoon to transfer beans or rice between two bowls. (Do this on a plastic tray or cookie sheet.) They can use an eye dropper to move water between bowls.

Box Top Puzzles

Skills: small motor; spatial
Materials: empty food boxes, scissors, zip bag or clasp envelope
Directions: Cut the front panel off the food box. Cut it into 6-12 puzzle shapes as shown. Store the pieces in a zip bag or envelope
More! For younger children, it is helpful to have duplicates of the boxes. Cut one box apart and let them rearrange the pieces on top of the other box. Children will also kick a get out of making their own puzzles. Let each child choose a favorite magazine picture. Apply rubber cement to the back of the picture and glue it to a piece of cardboard. When it dries, children can cut the picture into pieces. Store in an envelope or zip bag.

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