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Math Flash |
Skills: math facts Materials: spiral ring index cards, marker, pencil Directions: Write math facts on the front of the index cards with a marker. Write the answer on the reverse side with a pencil. Children add or subtract and then check their answer on the reverse side. Adaptation: Give them a minute timer and challenge them to do as many as they can in a minute. Have them record their score, practice, and then try to beat their time. |
Touchdown Materials: construction paper, markers Directions: Fold the construction paper in half. *Draw footballs using the attached pattern. Be sure to place the top of the pattern on the fold. Write math facts on the front of the footballs. Open and write the answers on the inside. Children can “self check” as they play. Adaptation: Let small groups of children this game. The first one to say the answer scores a point.
Totally Math _|_ Math Center _|_ Math Office _|_ Number Vests _|_ Show Me _|_ Meadow _|_ Five Little Noodle _|_ Skip _|_ One-to-One _|_ Sorting _|_ Patterns _|_ Old Lady _|_ Buzz _|_ Numerals _|_ Shapes Money _|_ Time _|_ Measurement _|_ Comparisons _|_ Fractions _|_ You Should Know _|_ Line-up _|_ Work Addition Pokey _|_ Math Flash _|_ Spill Beans _|_ Books _|_ Dr. Jean |