
Skills:        numeral recognition, sets, shapes, addition and subtraction facts, number words

Materials:  index cards, chip can, markers, construction paper


  1. Cover the can with construction paper and write “Buzz!” on it.
  2. Cut the index cards into twenty-five 2” x 5” strips. 
  3. Write numerals, math facts, or whatever you are working on at the bottom of 22 cards. 
  4. Draw bees similar to the ones shown on the bottom of 3 cards. 
  5. Mix the cards up and then put them in the can with the numerals at the bottom. 
  6. Children sit in a circle and say this poem:

                  Number bee.  Number bee.

                  You love numbers (shapes, etc.) just like me.

                  Ha!  Ha!  He!  He!

                  You can’t sting me!

The first child removes a card, identifies the numeral on the bottom, and passes the can to the second child.  The second child selects another card, identifies the numeral, etc.  If a child pulls a card with the bee on the bottom, they must get up, run around the circle, and buzz like a bee.

Adaptations:   Children can “phone a friend” or “ask the audience” for help if they don’t know the numeral on the bottom of their card. 

You can play a variation of this game where children put their cards back in the can after they identify the numeral.  If they select the bee, they are out of the game.  The last one left is the winner.

Swat the Fly

Skills:           numeral recognition, math facts

Materials:     construction paper, fly swatter, marker

Directions:    *Cut flies out of construction paper using the attached pattern. (Click here to download.)

                  Write numerals on the flies and tape to the wall or staple to a bulletin board.  Have a child hold the fly swatter with their back to the wall as you say this rhyme:

                  Turn around and swat the fly.

                  Tell me the number that you spy.

The child turns around, swats a fly, and identifies the numeral.

Adaptations: Play a game with two teams.  One child from each team holds a fly swatter.  The first to swat the correct fly wins a point for their team.  You could also call out math facts and have them swat the answer.

Pencil Pocket Book

Skills:               sets; counting; sorting; money; addition

Materials:         five pencil pockets, book rings, small counting toys, coins, sticky labels

Directions:        Attach the pencil pockets together with the book rings to make a book.  Put a label at the top of each bag as shown.  Write numerals or number words on the labels.  Children make the appropriate set in the pencil pocket and then zip it shut.

More?         Children can sort small, flat objects (crayons, pencils, erasers, colored toothpicks, buttons, etc.) in the bags.

Write cents on the labels and have children count out the appropriate coins.

Write addition facts on the labels.  Provide children with two different types of counters so they can put sets together.