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Math at Work |
Ask children to interview their parents to find out how they use math in their job. It’s a great way to encourage dialog with children and their parents, and also emphasizes that math is something we will USE all our lives. |
Math Is Fun Book Math Kit Let one child take home the math kit each evening and explore what they can do with it at home. Growing Up ("Totally Math" CD) When I was a baby, baby, baby, (Step from side to side When I was one… “ma-ma” (Hold up arms as if reaching for mother.) When I was two… “no-no” (Stomp foot and shake head “no.”) When I was three… “me-do” (Point to self with thumb.) When I was four…I learned to draw (Draw a circle in the air.) When I was five…I learned to write (Hold palm and pretend to write with index finger.) When I was seven… I loved math… (Point to brain.) Activities: Children draw a time line of their lives with “yesterday,” “today,” and “tomorrow.” |
Totally Math _|_ Math Center _|_ Math Office _|_ Number Vests _|_ Show Me _|_ Meadow _|_ Five Little Noodle _|_ Skip _|_ One-to-One _|_ Sorting _|_ Patterns _|_ Old Lady _|_ Buzz _|_ Numerals _|_ Shapes Money _|_ Time _|_ Measurement _|_ Comparisons _|_ Fractions _|_ You Should Know _|_ Line-up _|_ Work Addition Pokey _|_ Math Flash _|_ Spill Beans _|_ Books _|_ Dr. Jean |