Numbers You Should Know
("Totally Math" CD)

There are some numbers, numbers, numbers.
There are some numbers that you should know.
All through your life - wherever you go.
There are some numbers that you need to know.

How many inches, inches, inches?
How many inches are in a foot?
There are 12 inches.
Always 12 inches.
There are 12 inches in a foot.

How many feet are in a yard?
How many cups in a pint?
How many pints are in a quart?
How many seconds in a minute?
How many minutes are in an hour?
How many hours are in a day?

Don’t forget these numbers, numbers, numbers.
Don’t forget these numbers as you grow!
All through your life – wherever you go.
These are some numbers that you need to know.

Activities:  Let children make up additional verses about numbers they should know.  For example, how many months are in the year?  How many days are in each month?  How many in a dozen?

Giant Cell Phone

Skills:         numeral recognition; addition

Materials:   shower curtain liner, permanent marker, beanbag

Directions:  Cut the shower curtain in fourths and draw the outline of a cell phone on a section similar to the one shown.  (You could also use a poster board for this.)  Place the giant cell phone on the floor and have children stand 2 or 3 feet away.  Children take turns tossing the beanbag on the phone and identifying the numeral.

Adaptations: Use 2 beanbags and have children add up the numbers.

*Use the attached pattern to make individual cell phones. (Click here to download.)

Eating Math

Skills:          counting; sorting; estimating; patterning

Materials:    colorful cereal, snack bags, napkins

Directions:   Fill each bag with ½ cup of cereal.  Have children do some of the activities below with the cereal in their bag:

  • Estimation-  How many pieces are in your bag?
  • Counting- Count and see how many you have.  Did you estimate more or less?  Is it an odd or even number? 
  • Sorting- Sort the cereal by color, shape, or size.
  • Patterning- Can you make a pattern with your cereal?
  • Addition and Subtraction – Put sets together (+) and then eat (-).

Hint!     Remind children to wash their hands or use disinfectant lotion before doing any activities with food!

Adaptations:     Use snack mix, fish crackers, or similar foods.
Use conversation hearts for Valentine’s, jelly beans for Easter, etc.