Terrific Tips for Starting the School Year!


Gray Squirrel

Gray squirrel, gray squirrel,
Swish your bushy tail.
Gray squirrel, gray squirrel,
Swish your bushy tail.
Wrinkle up your little nose,
Hide a nut between your toes.
Gray squirrel, gray squirrel,
Swish your bushy tail.

(Hold hands close to chest like paws.)
(Wiggle your bottom.)

(Wiggle your bottom.)
(Wrinkle nose.)
(Pretend to hold a nut in your paws.)

Climb up in the tallest tree.
Let your tail blow in the breeze...

If you’ll be a friend of mine, I will be a friend of yours...

(Arms climb up above head.)
(Wiggle bottom.)

(Point to self and then a friend.)


Gray Squirrel Book

Thanks to Martha Shehan for this precious book. Click cover to download.

Gray Squirrel Book Cover

You will find the song, Gray Squirrel, on the
Happy Everything! CD - Click here for info


Gray Squirrel

Have children draw the body of a squirrel on a gray sheet of paper and cut out. Next, have them trace around their foot. Attach it to the body of the squirrel with a brad fastener. Encourage the children to name their squirrels or write stories about them.

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