Earth Day - April 22nd

Earth Day, Earth Day! Let’s all come together.              (Clap hands.)
Earth Day, Earth Day! To make this world much better.
‘Cause we love our planet Earth, beautiful and blue.    (Make a circle with
We want to take care of it with everything we do.           arms.)

We can recycle – tell your friends and neighbors!         (Pretend to pick up
Glass, aluminum, plastic and paper.                              paper.)
‘Cause we love our planet Earth, beautiful and blue.    (Make a circle with
We want to take care of it with everything we do.          arms.)

We can plant a tree or two, to create green spaces;     (Pretend to dig.)
Walk or ride our bikes to go different places.                (Ride a bike.)
‘Cause we love our planet Earth, beautiful and blue.    (Make a circle with
We want to take care of it with everything we do.          arms.)

Litter Bags - Make several folds down from the top of a lunch sack. Punch holes and tie on a string. Have children decorate their litter bags with markers or crayons. You can use your litter bags on a clean-up walk around your school or community, or you can let the children use them in their cars. Hint! It’s a good idea to wear plastic gloves when picking up trash!

Litter Bags
Click for larger image

Recycled Products - For homework, ask children to look around their house and make a list of recycled materials. Have them practice identifying the “recycle logo” so they can help conserve materials

School Garage Sale - Plan a garage sale for your school by asking parents to donate items they no longer need or want. Use the proceeds to help a wildlife or conservation organization in your community.