May 2016



You will need a pocket folder for each child for this summer writing activity. Remind the children what wonderful writers they have become and how important it is for them to keep writing over the summer. Explain that many famous writers started keeping diaries and journals just like them when they were young. Motivate them to make their own “Summer Fun Journal” so they can record all the special things they will be doing over the summer.

Provide the children with markers, crayons, construction paper, and other art media to decorate the front of their pocket folders. (You might suggest they title it “Summer Fun.”) Run off copies after downloading the writing prompts, or create your own based on the interests of your students. You might even want to ask your class to brainstorm topics for these journals.



Hint! Be sure and include some blank paper at the end.
•Encourage students to add photos, brochures, or other special keepsakes.
•Add a line for the date on each page.
•Tell your students you’d love to see their journals when the come back for the new school year.


Click here to download summer writing prompts.





These are like vitamins to help children remember skills over the summer. They can be adapted for letters, words, math facts, and so forth.

Lifetime Words

Ask parents to send in empty mint cans. Cut paper into 1 ¾” by 3” rectangles. Have children write sight words on these rectangles and store them in their containers.
Hint! Explain that lifetime words are words you will need to be able to read all your life. Once you learn them they will belong to you forever!!!!


Word Wallet

Make wallets from construction paper. Lay the paper horizontally and fold up the bottom to 1” from the top. Fold in half. Glue the sides. Decorate with markers and stickers. Cut green paper into rectangles 4” x 2.” These are your “dollars” for your wallet. Children can write their words on the dollars and “save” them in their wallets.



Word Pockets

Seal envelopes and cut in half. Cut down 1” from each side and fold down the flap as shown. Punch holes in the sides and tie on a piece of string or yarn. Give children strips of paper cut 2 1/2” x 4” on which to write their sight words. Students can take the words home in their little pockets for summertime practice. is a good free resource for games and activities based on grade level expectations.


Have children bring in a plastic or cardboard can from icing, potato chips, or drink mix. (Avoid tin cans because the edges can be sharp.) Write summer activities so that they can be cut in strips and placed in the can. Let children cover their cans with paper and decorate with drawings, stickers, or collage materials. Put the strips of summer fun in the can. Send the can home with a note encouraging the parents to let their child select a strip each day and do the activity.

•You can also use a plastic sand bucket or seasonal cup for this project.

Hint! Let children brainstorm summer activities they would like included.

Click here to download a list of activities.



Invite parents for a workshop and involve them in making the summer calendar, “Can of Fun,” or summer journal. Encourage them to personalize the activities by using relatives’ names, pets, and special things their child enjoys.


Be sure to provide translations of these activities for parents who do not speak English.


Remind parents to try and spend at least 15 minutes a day with their child. That’s 15 minutes with NO technology. It really doesn’t matter what they do because the children will be happy with their undivided attention.

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