How about a summer calendar with suggested activities for children to do each day? Try to balance ideas with things to do for literacy, math, physical skills, art – and just plain FUN! Let the children mount the calendar pages on construction paper or make a decorative magnet to attach the calendar on their refrigerator.
•You can find these free online. Here are a few good sites; click photos to download originals:
Ask children to bring in an empty cardboard food box from home. Cut off the top and spray paint gold or silver. (An adult will need to do this.) Let the children decorate with stickers, glitter pens, and other art media. Over the next few weeks have children save reproducible books and blank books they make in their "treasure boxes." SELL the children on reading these over the summer because books are like friends you want to visit again and again!!!
Hint! There are a variety of free reproducible books for different levels that you can download on the internet.
RAH! RAH! Read at home! Read at home!
Here's a little formula to encourage students to practice rereading books at home. Tell them to hold up four fingers and read their books four times.
1st – Practice reading to a stuffed animal.
2nd – Practice reading in the mirror.
3rd - Practice reading to a pet or sibling.
4th – Read to their parents.