Let’s Sing, Dance, and Learn! (DVD)


Let’s Sing, Dance, and Learn! 

1.  Rise and Shine

Rise and shine,              (Bend down, then rise and put arms in air.)
And welcome to school today.            (Clap to the beat.)
Rise and shine,            (Bend down, then rise and put arms in air.)
And welcome to school today.            (Clap.)
Rise and shine,            (Bend down, then rise and put arms in air.)
And welcome to school today.            (Clap.)
We’re so glad you’re here!                        (Shake hands.)

A little louder…            (Sing loud.)
A little softer…            (Sing soft.)
Whisper version…            (Whisper words.)

2.  Feeling Fine 

I'm in right,   (Hold up both index fingers and point to chest.)
Out right,   (Point out with index fingers.)
Up right,    (Reach up high.)
Down right,   (Stoop down low.)
And I'm feeling fine.  (Turn around in a circle.)
I eat the food that’s good  (Pretend to feed self.)
And exercise like I should.  (Run in place.)
That’s why I’m in right,
Out right,
Up right,
Down right,
And I’m feeling fine.
A little faster…
Super fast…
Super duper fast…

3.  My Flag

My flag is red.                        (March in place.)
My flag is white.
And in the corner it is blue.
My flag stands for my country.
I love red, white, and blue!

Fifty white stars     (March with arms in the air making sparkles by
On a field of blue-             opening and closing your fists.)
A star for each state it is true.
My flag stands for my country.
I love red, white, and blue!

From North to South            (March pointing in front, behind,
And East to West                         to the right and then the left.)
We pledge to the flag each day.   (Hand over heart.)
Our flag stands for our country.
We all love red, white, and blue!

We are all Americans.            (March alternating fists in the air.)
And so we always say I CAN!
We try and do our best
Because we are Americans!

4.  Rules Rap

The rules, the rules, the rules of the classroom.       (Snap fingers.)
The rules, the rules, the rules of the classroom.

Follow, follow, follow directions,                   (Point index fingers.)
Follow, follow, follow directions.                                        Chorus

Feet and hands, feet and hands,              (Point to feet and hands.)
Feet and hands to yourself.                                             Chorus

Small voices inside, tall voices on the playground.           
                                                    (Quiet voice, then loud voice.)
Small voices inside, tall voices on the playground.            Chorus

Work together, don’t fight, or you’ll get in trouble.           
                                                    (Clasp hands, then hold nose.)
Work together, don’t fight, or you’ll get in trouble.            Chorus


5.  Today Is Sunday

Today is Sunday.             (Put hands in arm pits and flap
Sunday – chicken.             like a chicken.)
All you lucky children,
Well, that’s O.K.

Monday – peanut butter   (Extend left hand and spread
                                          peanut butter with right hand.)
Tuesday – snap beans      (Snap fingers.)
Wednesday – soup            (Pretend to slurp soup.)
Thursday – ice cream        (Pretend to lick a cone.)
Friday – hotdogs            (Slap hands together.)
Saturday - pizza            (Extend palm in air as if carrying a pizza.)

6.  Month March

The months of the year   (Children march in place as
                                      you sing and clap.)
January, February, March, April, May,
June, July, August, September,
October, November, December.

7.  Pump Up to 100

Pick up your weights and let’s count!
1-20 - bicep curls  (Elbows in, pretend to hold weights in fists with
                              palms up as you bring forearms up and down.)
21-40 - for overhead press (Fists face forwards as you start at
                                       your shoulders and push the weights
41-60 – side raises (Elbows at 90% angles as you raise them
                                out to the side.)
61-80 – upright rows (Fists together close to the body and raise
                                elbows out and up until fists are at your heart.)
81-100 – frontal raises -  (Fists together and arms stiff as you raise
                                      them in front of your body to eye level.)
Whew!  (Wipe brow!!!)
Stretch it out.  (Open arms.  Right arm stretch.  Left arm stretch.)

8.  Country Countdown 1-20

All right all you cowboys and cowgirls.
Time to count ‘em up and count ‘em down with me.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  (Hold up fingers.)
Turn around and count back down.                            (Turn around.)
20 19 18 …..

Let’s do it again…

Let’s kick it up and do it fast this time…

9.  Addition Pokey

Put 1 finger in.              (Hold up  finger on right hand.)
Put 1 finger more.         (Hold up 1 finger on left hand.)
Shake them altogether  (Roll around.)
And then lay them on the floor.  (Place on floor or table.)
Add them both together,  (Bring hands together.)
And you don’t want to stall.
Now you have 2 in all.

2 fingers…3 fingers…4 fingers…5 fingers

10.  Karate Writing

We’re going to say the alphabet with karate motions.
For letters that start at the top dotted line we will punch
up high.  For letters that start at the middle dotted line
we will punch out in front of us.  For letters with a
tail that go below the line we will give a little kick.
When we have finished we will fold our hands
together and bow as we say, “The alphabet.”
A – punch from waist
B – punch up in the air
C – punch from waist
D – punch up in the air
E – punch from the waist
F – punch up in the air
G – give a little kick…etc.

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