Happy Birthday America!!
July, 2013

I never intended to make a DVD.  I wanted teachers to look into children’s eyes and connect through the songs.  I certainly didn’t want to contribute to big screen education! 

Well, three years ago I gave it a try with the Better Bodies and Brains DVD.  (To be honest, I can’t stand to look at myself on that video!)  The teachers told me the kids loved it, and I was a great babysitter when they needed a few minutes to clean up or to prepare for a new activity.  I was also told that I was a lifesaver on rainy days or when there was a substitute teacher. 

However, my favorite comments have come from children: “Is Dr. Jean an angel?  It looks like she’s flying?”  “Why does Dr. Jean always wear black?”  (In the new DVD I do change clothes a few times!) My whole goal is to help teachers and make learning a little more fun for children. 

So when I kept hearing, “When are you going to do another DVD?” I decided maybe I should do it again. 

One teacher gave me a very helpful suggestion when she said, “Make something that a substitute teacher could use through the day.  You know, start with a good morning song, a calendar song, some skill songs, fun songs, and a good-bye song.”  So that’s what I did! 

I also asked for your input on what songs you’d like to see on this video.  It’s almost like the Best of Dr. Jean with “Tooty Ta,” “The Cool Bear Hunt,” “My Mother Is a Baker,” and “Pizza Hut.”  I tried to choose songs that are very interactive and have a lot of movement to help release wiggles. 

The songs are organized for morning meeting, math, literacy, “just for fun,” and good-bye.

Since it’s America’s birthday, I’ve got a few “presents” for you!  First, you’ll find a free video called “My Flag.” There’s also a new PowerPoint and the music download for a song called “The Fourth of July.”  (Thank you Kristine Gaugh for creating the PowerPoint!)

My earlier DVD has a version of the "Banana Dance," and I have a printable book titled The Banana Dance as a bonus free download this month. Check the Downloads page for all of this month's downloads.

Wishing you fun in the sun!

Three cheers for the red, white and blue!



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