PowerPoint Extravaganza

from Kristine Gough


Kristine Gough has created a collection of great PowerPoints to go with some of my songs. 

Kiss your brain and kiss your heart, Kristine! 

Kristine and Teresa

Kristine and her Principal, Teresa Sullivan

Song titles and CD titles for the Power Points from Kristine are listed to the right.

Just click on the Downloads link in the menu above to download each of these presentations that you can use in class while playing the music.


Kristine Gough
Decker Prairie Elementary
Tomball ISD Texas


Kristine and Priscilla

Kristine and PPCD teacher, Priscilla Barrette

Kristine created PowerPoints to accompany these songs. You can use these links, too: iPad, iPhone users, see notes on next page.

Planting Seeds, CD Happy Everything

Snowman, CD Happy Everything

Special Me, CD Dr. Jean and Friends

Five Little Kites, CD Happy Everything

Animals Good Morning, CD Fusion Fiesta, Vol 2

Animals Good Morning, iPad-iPhone, CD Fusion Fiesta, Vol 2

Days of the Week, CD Dr. Jean and Friends

Rise and Shine, CD All Day Long

Wheels on the Bus, CD Nursery Rhymes and Good Ol' Times

Elephant, CD Dr. Jean and Friends

Month Hop, CD All Day Long

Magic Words, CD All Day Long

We had a Good Day, CD Kiss Your Brain

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