Palm Pilot - Practice saving words with palm pilots. Children hold up one palm and write the letters in a word with the index finger of their other hand. Pretend to run your fingers up your arm to your brain as you say the word. Do each word three times to make sure it gets “saved” in the brain.
*Children can also do “invisible” writing in the air or write on each other’s backs.
Say, Spell, Write, Read - Here’s a little formula to help children remember words.
Move and Groove - Stand and make motions as you read high frequency words. You can disco, hula, pony, monkey, jump, hop, march, clap, snap, swim and so forth.
Patty Cake - Let children patty cake high frequency words with a partner. Children face each other and say the word as they clap their hands. They cross and tap right hands and then left hands as they say each letter in the word. Then they put hands in the air and do “high five” as they say the word.
Hop Scotch Words - On the playground, make a hop scotch frame with chalk. Write words in each section for children to read as they hop.
Sports Spell - Pretend to be athletes and spell words for different sports.
Exercise Words - Spell out words as you do toe touches, jumping jacks, march, box, and make other motions.
*Clap on consonants and hop on vowels.
Karate Spelling - Punch up high for tall letters that start at the top dotted line. Punch out in front of you for letters that start at the middle dotted line. Give a little kick for letters that go below the line. Fold hands together and bow as you say the word.
Sign Language - Sign language is a wonderful kinesthetic way to “store” words in the brain. Sign language provides a “hook” or connection for children. After teaching children the manual signs for letters, you can finger spell words. You can also go to and click on the “dictionary” to learn signs for the words on the word wall. Practice saying words, reading words, and signing words at the same time. If children can’t recall a word, make the sign and you’ll be surprised what happens! Sign Language Center All you need is a pocket folder to make this interactive learning center. Go to and download a copy of the manual signs for letters. Glue it to the inside of the folder. On index cards write high frequency words and place them in the pocket. Children select a card and then finger spell it.
Choral Reading - Read over the word wall in different voices. Say the words loud, soft, underwater, rock and roll, with an attitude, prissy, spooky, etc. *Let children suggest different styles for reading. *See January/2010/monthly activities for state changes.
Magic Word - Chose a special word to be the “magic word.” When you come to it as you do shared reading, the children can clap their hands, jump up, snap, or make other motions.