Lifetime Words - Refer to high frequency words as “lifetime words.” Explain that if you put these words in your brain, you will be able to read with them the rest of your life!
Treasure Boxes- Make “treasure boxes” (Altoids tins) where children can save the words as they learn them.
Word Rings - Give each child a book ring. When she learns a word (or requests to learn a word), write it on an index card, punch a hole, and let her attach to the ring.
Word Wallets - Children can also save words as they learn them in a word wallet. Invite children to bring a wallet from home. Write high frequency words (aka “dollar words”) on green paper cut 4” x 2”. Children “save” their dollar words in their wallets and can play games with them with friends. Hint! You can also make wallets from construction paper.
Personal Dictionary - Let each child make a personal dictionary and write high frequency words as they are introduced. These will be handy when they do independent writing.
Word Study Booklet - Go to (practice booklets) and download directions to make this fantastic tool. Each child will need a pocket folder and can progress at her own rate as she masters lists of words.
I’ll Teach My Dog 100 Words (by Michael Frith) - This is a clever book and a clever way to integrate counting to 100 and high frequency words. Each child could have her own booklet where she records the words that she learns.
Hint! Start with 10 color words; next add 10 number words; 10 words for people; 10 action words, 10 animals, etc.
Word Wall Office - Make a personal office with high frequency words for each child. Tape two file folders together and staple copies of your class word wall inside. I suggest stapling so you can change the sheets as the word wall expands throughout the year. Children can set these up on their desks when they write to make a study carrel.
Word Supervisor - Choose a “word supervisor” each day. Write a word on an index card and tape to a visor. The word supervisor wears the word all day long. During the day each child has to make up a sentence with the word and say it to the word supervisor.
High Five Words - Cut hands out of construction paper and write words on them. Tape to the classroom door. Before children leave the classroom, call out a word for them to touch and give “high five” to.
Wearing Words - Put words in name badge holders. Children walk around the room and greet each other by the word they are wearing. “Hello, WAS.” “Hi, HAVE.” Children call each other by the word they are wearing instead of by their names.
Word Bracelet - Write selected words on empty tape rolls. When children can read the words they are allowed to wear the bracelet for the day.
Skill Bags - This is a powerful idea for differentiated instruction. Each Monday give each child 3 - 5 index cards with words appropriate for their level. Children store their cards in their “skill bag” (zip bag) and practice working on them each day. At the end of the week, children can take their cards home or store them in “word banks.”
Desk Top Words - Did you know that you could write words on children’s desks with a Sharpie and then erase with a Mr. Clean eraser?
Holiday and Seasonal Dictionary - Each month prepare a special dictionary with holiday and seasonal words. This can be done in a file folder with picture clues. Children can use the dictionary when they are doing independent writing. You could also post holiday and seasonal words on a poster or pocket chart. Hint! A picture dictionary would also be useful for themes or units.
Weekly Word Study - Here is a routine children can follow each week to reinforce spelling words or high frequency words.