January 2009



57) Letters Of Love

Materials: paper, envelopes, pen, computer

Directions: On special occasions, such as when your child has a birthday, starts school, loses a tooth, etc. , write a letter to your child recalling the memory and how you feel. Seal up the envelope and save the letters in a special box. These will be a priceless gift of your love to give your child on the day she graduates from college, gets married, or has a child of her own.

58) Good Book

Materials: spiral notebook or composition book, markers

Directions: Write “Child’s name’s Good Book” on the front of the notebook. Explain to your child that when you catch him doing “something good” you will write it down in the book. Try to do this at least once a day. Review entries in the book at night before your child goes to bed.

Hint! Add photos to this book or let your child illustrate with his own drawings.

59) Story Tapes

Materials: tape recorder, favorite book

Directions: This is a great idea for grandparents or parents who travel. Make a tape of yourself reading a book to your child. You might want to ding a little bell or use a sound effect each time the page should be turned. Your child will feel “close” to you as they listen to you read them a bedtime story.

Hint! This would also be a neat treat for when a babysitter comes.

60) Bedtime Ritual

Materials: none

Directions: Create your own special routine to send your child off to dreamland. You might want to sing a song, say prayers, or follow the ritual below:

Kisses – Kiss, hug, butterfly kiss (blink eyelashes together), nose kiss (rub noses), etc.

Proud Thoughts – Ask your child to tell you something she did that day that made her feel proud.

Positive Tomorrow – Ask your child to tell you something she is looking forward to the next day.