Materials: 1 paper plate,
pipe cleaner crayons, markers, paint
Color or paint the rim of the paper plate to look like a
picture frame. Let children draw a picture of their family, their house, pet,
etc. in the center of the plate. Punch a hole at the top
and use the pipe cleaner for a hanger. |
Materials: 2 paper plates,
tissue paper, construction paper candy and small toys,
string, stapler
Staple the 2 plates together leaving a 5” opening at the
top. Decorate with construction paper and glue on tissue
paper streamers. Insert the candy and toys and staple the opening. Tie a piece
of string at the top and attach to the end of a broom or
similar pole. Roll up three sheets of newspaper to make
a bat to swing at the piñata. Blindfold children and let
the fun begin!!!
Adaptations: Use piñatas for holiday parties by making pumpkins, turkeys,
leprechauns, etc. from the plates. |
Materials:paper plate,
scissors, yarn
Cut slits around the rim of the paper plate.
Children can weave the yarn through the slits to make designs.
Adaptations: Use black yarn and it will look like a spider
web. Attach a plastic spider ring to the end of the yarn. |