Materials: 1 paper plate, construction paper
markers or crayons, jumbo craft stick, tape |

Directions: Cut holes for eyes out of the plate. (An adult
will need to do this.) Let children add detail to the plate to make an animal
or person. Tape a jumbo craft stick to the plate so children can hold the
mask up to their face.
Hint! Use these for book reports, to act out a story, to dramatize poems, or
to enhance songs. |
Materials: 1 paper plate, yarn or ribbon markers, stapler |

Directions: Fold the plate in half and staple along the rim. Color
with markers or crayons. Punch holes in the sides and tie
on yarn or ribbon for a handle.
Cut a slit along the top so notes, tissues, and other goodies can be tucked in the purse.
Adaptation: You can make a doctor bag in a similar way.
Materials: 1 paper plate
markers, crayons, scissors |

Directions: Draw a snake’s head on the rim of the plate as shown.
Draw a spiral to the center. Decorate with markers and then cut on the spiral.
Hold up by the head and wiggle.