January 2009


Litter Patrol Rap
(Clap and snap to the beat.)

Here I go. (Stand up as you begin clapping and snapping.)
I'm on the litter patrol.
I'm going to work all day to put the trash away.
The planet earth, you see, is my habitat.
I'm going to clean it up.
Well how about that?

Join me now.
Here we go.
We're on the litter patrol.
We're going to work all day to put the trash away.
The planet earth, you see, is our habitat.
We're going to clean it up.
Well, how about that?

All by yourself.
Here we go.
We're on the...


• Have children suggest other movements you could do to the rap.

• Ask children to bring in empty food boxes. Cut off the top panel and punch holes in the two narrow sides. Tie on a piece of string so the box can be used as a trash receptacle in the car.


• Plan a community project where parents and children come together to clean up a park or natural area in your community. Make sure you have gloves and trash bags for the participants.

• Let children draw or paint pictures of beautiful spaces in your community. Pick up trash around the school and then tear or cut the trash into small pieces. Children glue the trash on their pictures and discuss the before and after effect of the trash.

• Children will love playing “Pick Up Your Trash!” Each child will need a scrap piece of paper that they can wad up into a ball. Divide the class into two teams and have them stand on opposite sides of the room. When the teacher calls, “Pick up your trash,” the teams start throwing their paper balls at each other. The object is to pick up trash (paper balls) and throw it back at the opposite side as quickly as possible. When the teacher says, “Freeze!” everyone must stop and gather the balls on their side into a pile. Count and see how many each side has. The side with the least amount wins. The great part about this game is that you can keep on playing as long as you want. You can also play it out on the playground.

• How about a “trash snack”? You will need flat bottom ice cream cones, Cheerios, miniature marshmallows, pretzel sticks, and peanuts. Take 4 lunch sacks and put a different item in each sack. Write “old tires” on the sack with Cheerios, “Styrofoam” on the sack with marshmallows, “Sticks” on the sack with pretzel sticks, and “Stones” on the sack with peanuts. Take a large bowl and make up a story about collecting trash. As you name the different items, invite different children to dump the contents in the bowl. Stir with a large spoon and then serve the “trash” in trash cans (ice cream cones). The cool thing about this snack is that there is NO trash when the children have finished eating!

Hint! Substitute raisins for peanuts if you have students with food allergies. You can also use fish crackers, sunflower seeds, or other snack foods.

• Make up a scavenger hunt similar to the one below. Divide children into small groups and let them hunt for the objects on the playground. Give them paper and pencils to record their findings. (Older children could write words and younger children could draw pictures.) Download sample here.

Scavenger Hunt
Can you find something older than you?
Can you find something younger than you?
Can you find something rough?
Can you find something that feels soft?
Can you find something living?
Can you find something dead?
Can you find something smaller than your fingernail?
Can you find something bigger than you?
Can you find something green?
Can you find something yellow?
Can you find something that smells good?
Can you find some trash? Pick it up and throw it away!

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