January 2009


Rhombus, Rhombus, Rhombus

A teacher shared this song to the “Conga” tune:

           Rhombus, rhombus, rhombus
           Rhombus, rhombus rhombus
           Once it was a diamond
           Now it ‘s called a rhombus.

Memory Page

Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest – like this one. Before reading a book a teacher said she would show her students one page in the book and challenge them to remember everything they could. She’d then read the book and when she came to the page the children recalled all the details. What a great way to create interest, build anticipation, and develop comprehension.

Kiss Your Brain Book

The teacher in Philadelphia who shared this book can certainly kiss her brain! She asked each of her students to draw pictures of what they can do that makes them kiss their brain. (You could let your students dictate sentences or write their own to go with their pictures.) Then she put on bright, red lipstick and “kissed their brain” in the picture.


Pinky Rhymes

Here’s another simple suggestion for improving phonemic awareness from Janice Santacci. She tells her students to hold up their pinkies when they hear words that rhyme. This would be so much fun when you read nursery rhymes, Dr. Seuss, and other books.

Rockin' Word Wall

The same teacher said that she saves plastic CD cases and puts copies of the word wall words in these for her students. What fun to open a CD case and find that special word!


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