Student recipes for your classroom


    You will need:
        1 pint whipping cream
        1 teaspoon salt
        crackers or bread
        1. Set the whipping cream out at room
            temperature for one hour.
        2. Pour the whipping cream in a glass jar.
        3. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and seal tightly.
        4. Take turns shaking the jar as you pass it around.
            (Be patient! It takes 5-10 minutes.)
        5. When a thick ball of butter forms, pour off the excess liquid.
        6. Serve on crackers or bread.

Hint! Children can make their own individual butter. Put ¼ cup whipping cream and a dash of salt in a baby food jar. Screw the lid on tightly and shake, shake, shake!


    You will need:
        cinnamon candies
        1. Wash your hands.
        2. Put applesauce in the cup.
        3. Count out 8 candies and put them in the cup.
        4. Stir, stir, stir until the applesauce turns
            pink and the candy dissolves.
        5. It’s a candy apple surprise!
Hint! Stir in miniature M&M’s and it will look like a rainbow as they dissolve in the applesauce.


    You will need:
        package of crescent rolls
        hot dogs
        cheese slices
        1. Wash your hands.
        2. Cut a slit lengthwise down the middle of the hot dog
            half way through it.
        3. Cut the cheese into strips and stuff in the slit.
        4. Roll the hot dog up in one triangle of the dough.
        5. Place on a cookie sheet with the point down.
        6. Bake at 375 for 12-15 minutes.
        7. Oink! Oink!


    You will need:
        red strawberries
        blue blueberries
        green grapes
        yellow pineapple chunks
        wooden skewers or toothpicks
        1. Wash your hands.
        2. Clean the fruit and cut into bite-size pieces.
        3. Push fruit onto skewers to make a rainbow of colors.
        4. Make a wish and eat!

Hint! Use bananas, kiwi, pears, and other types of fruit.

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