Happy Hands Finger Plays!


Every time Heidi High speaks use a high, soft voice. Every time Louie Low talks use a deep, loud voice. Begin by sticking up your thumbs. Wiggle your right thumb and say, “This is Heidi High.” Wiggle your left thumb and say, “This is Louie Low.” Tuck your thumbs in your hands and extend them to either side of you as you begin telling the story below.

One day Heidi High opened her door (open fingers), went outside (stick out right thumb), and closed her door (close fingers). She said (wiggle right thumb), “What a beautiful day! I’m going to visit my friend Louie Low.” So Heidi went up the hill and down the hill and up the hill and down the hill (move right thumb up and down in front of body until it reaches your left fist). She knocked on the front door and said (pretend to knock on left fist with right hand), “Oh, Louie Low. Oh, Louie Low. Let me try the back door. (Knock on opposite side of left fist.) Oh, Louie Low. Oh, Louie Low. I guess he’s not home.” So Heidi went up the hill and down the hill and up the hill and down the hill (move right thumb up and down back in front of your body). When she got home, she opened her door, went inside, and shut her door (open fingers, tuck in thumb, then close fingers to make a fist).

The next day Louie Low opened his door (open fingers), went outside (stick out left thumb), and closed his door (close fingers). He said (wiggle left thumb), “What a beautiful day! I’m going to go visit my friend Heidi High.” Continue same as Heidi did on the previous day...

The next day both Heidi High and Louie Low opened their doors (open fingers), went outside (stick out thumbs), and closed their doors (close fingers). Heidi said (wiggle right thumb), “What a beautiful day! I’m going to go visit my friend Louie Low.” And Louie said (wiggle left thumb), “What a beautiful day! I’m going to visit my friend Heidi High.” So they both went up the hill and down the hill (move thumbs toward each other until they meet in front of your body) until they ran into each other. They danced and played and had the best time (wiggle thumbs). After a while Heidi said, “Well, Louie, I better go home.” And Louie said, “Well, Heidi, I better go home.” So they gave each other a hug (hug thumbs), and they both went up the hill and down the hill (wiggle thumbs apart to opposite sides of the body). When they got home they opened their doors (open fingers), went inside (tuck in thumbs), closed their doors (close fingers), and went to sleep (quietly put hands together and lay your head on them).

1-2-3-4 - TYING SHOES

(Someone requested a poem for tying shoes, so here are two that I came up with.)

Let’s get ready to tie your shoes.
Over and under. Now, what to do?        (Pull strings tight.)
1. Make a loop that looks like a tree.        (Make a loop with right string.)
2. The other string is a rabbit you see.        (Hold up left string.)
3. The rabbit goes around and in a hole.        (Take left string around loop and stick in the hole.)
4. Pull the loops tight and there is your bow!        (Take both loops and pull.)


Take the 2 strings              (Make loops with each string.)
And make two bunny ears.
Over and under
And a knot will appear.       (Tie loops in a knot.)
Pull the ears tight
And what do you know?      (Pull loops.)
You’ve tied your shoes
And there is your bow!

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