Happy Hands Finger Plays!
Up the tall white candlestick (Hold right arm high in the air.)
Went little mousie brown. (Wiggle left index finger up arm.)
But when he got up to the top,
He could not get back down. (Wiggle finger back and forth.)
He called for Grandma. (Cup hands around your mouth
“Grandma! Grandma!” as you pretend to yell.)
But Grandma was in town. (Open hands and shake head.)
So little mousie curled right up (Stick left index finger in right palm.)
And rolled right down. (Make fists with hands and roll down
in front of you.)
Cut off the finger from a cloth glove and use it to make a mouse puppet.

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This little girl is
Ready for bed. (Hold up index finger and wiggle.)
On the pillow
She lays her head. (Open palm and lay finger down.)
Wrap the covers
Around her tight. (Wrap fist around finger.)
That’s the way
She spends the night. (Rock hand.)
Morning comes,
She opens her eyes.
Off with a toss
The covers fly. (Open fist.)
She jumps out of bed, (Hold up finger.)
Eats her breakfast, (Pretend to feed finger some food.)
And brushes her teeth. (Pretend to brush teeth on finger.)
She gets dressed and (Pretend to dress finger.)
Brushes her hair. (Pretend to brush hair.)
Now she’s ready
And on her way, (Dance finger around.)
To work and play
At school all day.
This little boy… (Do similar motions with the
opposite index finger.)
One small noodle (Hold up one finger.)
On my noodle plate.
Salt and pepper,
Tastes just great. (Pretend to shake salt.)
Mother’s going to the store.
Mother, mother, get some more.
Five small noodles (Hold up five fingers.)
On my noodle plate.
Salt and pepper, (Pretend to shake salt.)
Tastes just great.
Mother, mother, I am stuffed.
I think that I have had enough!
Take a paper plate and cut out five holes as shown. Stick fingers in the holes to match the noodles in the rhyme.

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(Say “King Kong” in a loud voice and
“teeny tiny monkey” in a squeaky voice.)
KING KONG (Flex arms.)
Was just a teeny
Tiny monkey (Hold up pinky.)
Compared to my love for you. (Cross arms over chest and then extend.)
KING KONG (Flex arms.)
Was just a teeny
Tiny monkey (Hold up pinky.)
Compared to my love for you. (Cross arms over chest and then extend.)
I love you day (Make circle with arms.)
And night. (Lay head on hands.)
My love is out of sight. (Hands in air.)
KING KONG (Flex arms.)
Was just a teeny
Tiny monkey (Hold up pinky.)
Compared to my love for you! (Softly say this line as you point to children.)
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