Halloween Medley (Tune: "I'm a Little Teapot")
Halloween is coming when we'll be
Dressed in funny clothes and then we'll see
Pumpkins in the window shining bright. (Put hands over head like a pumpkin.)
Oh, we'll have a good time (Clap hands.)
On Halloween night!
We'll put on our costumes, walk down the street, (Walk in place.)
Hold out our bags and say, "Trick or Treat!" (Pretend to hold out a bag.)
Then we'll say "thanks" and run away. (Run in place.)
We can hardly wait for Halloween Day. (Clap hands.) |
Goodie Bags
Decorate paper grocery sacks for "trick or treating." Provide reflective tape for making designs or adding details. Review safety rules, such as staying with an adult, carrying a flashlight, etc.

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Candy Wrapper Math
Have children bring in their candy wrappers after Halloween to use for math activities. You can sort them, regroup them, count them, graph your favorite kinds, make sets, etc. |
Paper Plate Mask
Cut holes for eyes out of paper plates and then let children decorate them with paper scraps, markers, yarn, etc. Tape jumbo craft sticks to the backs so children can hold up masks to their face

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