Sailor Hats

Make sailor hats out of newspaper. Fold a sheet of newspaper in half. Bring the corners down until they meet. Fold up the bottom edge on top and then turn over and fold up the other bottom edge in the opposite direction. Staple the corners. Let children decorate with paints or construction paper scraps.

Sailor Hats
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Show children where Columbus started in Spain and the islands he visited. How has travel changed since Columbus’s voyage over 500 years ago? Talk about other points of interest on the globe. For example, water, land, North Pole, equator, USA, etc.



Cut trunks out of paper similar to the one shown. Have children draw or write all the things that they would pack if they were going on a long ocean voyage.

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Have children save their milk cartons from lunch. It would be fun to let the children wash them out on the playground or in a water table. Cut off the top section as shown. Let children decorate a sail from construction paper and write a name for their boat on the sail. Staple the sail to a straw cut in half. Staple the other end of the straw to the boat. Fill a small tub with water and let the children race their boats by blowing on their sails.

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