Hunting for Gold

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Hunting for Gold

Spray paint pebbles or rocks gold. (Spread out on newspaper. Spray with gold paint. Dry. Shake. Spray the other side with gold paint. Dry. Shake. Spray a third time.) Hide the pebbles on the playground before children arrive at school. Tell the children a leprechaun hid some gold for them. What fun they will have hunting for the gold nuggets! Hint! An empty film canister would make a good container for storing their gold.

Leprechaun Mischief

While the children are at lunch or on the playground, turn over a few chairs, put books on the floor, and mess up the classroom. Sprinkle a little green glitter around. Have the children write stories about what they think happened.

Catch a Leprechaun

Challenge children to design “traps” to catch a leprechaun in the block center. Give children an empty sack out on the playground and see who can catch a leprechaun.

Green Snack

Eat foods that are green like celery, broccoli, lime jello, snap peas, etc. Or use green food coloring to dye cream cheese, milk, yogurt or other snacks.
