30+ Teacher Tips

“Thirty days hath November,” and I have 30+ GREAT tips from other teachers this month. Just when I think I’ve heard them all, someone has another brilliant idea to share with me!

Note! In my mind I can “see” you sharing these activities with me, but I can’t remember your names. Forgive me for not giving you credit personally, but you’ll know it was your idea when you read it!

1) New Cheers!

O, Yeah!  Make arms like an “O” above your head and then extend arms like a “Y” over your head.

O.K.  Make sign language for “O” and then sign language for “K.”

Easy Button  Children hold up one palm to make an “Easy” button and then tap it with the other hand as they say, “That was easy.”  (Thanks Allison Lilley!)

Hint!  You can also purchase an “Easy” button at Staples.

Motorcycle Cheer  Put up thumbs as you make the

              “Rmmm!  Rmmm!” sound.

Alien Cheer  Put index fingers above head like antennae and wiggle.  (Thanks Marcia Goudie!)

I Love It!  This is a new sign that your children will love.

              Make a fist with your hand and then kiss it.

3 Cheers  Teacher says, “Let’s do cheer number three.”  Children put hands in the air and say, “Yeah!” in a loud voice.  Then teacher says, “Now let’s do cheer number 2.”  Children put their hands in the air and say “Yeah!” in a soft voice.  Finally, the teacher says, “Cheer number 1.”  Children put their hands in the air and do a “silent” cheer.

2) Chants

Sit Down Chant  
Clap your hands. (clap 1, 2, 3)
Stomp your feet. (stomp 1, 2, 3)
Put your bottom In your seat.

Line Up Chant (From Jodi Mueller)
Wiggle your fingers. Wiggle your toes.
Wiggle your ears. Wiggle your nose.
Hands on your head. Hands on your hips.
Hands at your sides. Zip your lips.

Listening Chant
(Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know it”)
If you’re listening to me do like this- (make a face for children to imitate).
If you’re listening to me do like this- (make another silly motion for children to copy).
If you’re listening to me, if you’re listening to me, if you’re listening to me- (line up, get ready for a story, get out your books, or whatever you want them to do).