We Love Letters! |
MAKING LETTER/SOUND CONNECTIONS THROUGH SONGS, RHYMES, AND CHANTS NAEYC Presentation, Washington, DC Alphabet knowledge, print knowledge, oral language and other skills are essential to learning how to read. Our presentation at the NAEYC Conference focused primarily on alphabet knowledge. We hope you can adapt these activities to the age and interest of the children in your classroom.
We love letters - those 26 little wiggles and squiggles that turn into words, stories, poems, and great literature! Letters are an integral part of our environment. From clothes we wear, to food we eat, to signs on the road - it's a letter world! Children are naturally curious about letters and will be excited about learning them when they are introduced in a multi - sensory, playful way. No workbooks! No worksheets! No drill and kill! Let's see how much FUN this can be when we sing, wiggle, and rhyme!