Book Party - Bring in your favorite book to share with friends, or dress up like your favorite character.

Buddy Day - Divide children up into partners and plan activities they can do together. For example, they could read together, write a story, draw a picture, play a card game, etc.

Camping Day - Set up a tent on the playground and spend the day in the great outdoors. Read, write, play games, and eat hotdogs and s'mores for snack.

Career Day - Children come dressed for the career they'd like when they grow up. After sharing with friends, have each child draw a picture (or take a photograph) and make a class book.

Clown or Circus Day - Dress up like clowns or other circus performers. Do tricks and try to make each other laugh. Popcorn, peanuts, or Cracker Jacks make a great snack!

Cook In - Let the children go to different stations and prepare foods and drinks. You might want to have a different activity for each of the food groups.

Dance Party - Let the children bring their favorite records from home and dance the day away.

Doughnuts with Dad - Invite dads in for doughnuts before they go to work. Let the children make invitations and help prepare the food. Involve the dads in an art project with the children, such as finger painting or play dough.
Hint! Encourage children to invite an uncle, neighbor, or big brother if dad is unable to come.

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