Arbor Day - Plant a tree. Name your tree and watch it change in the different seasons. Sing songs and tell stories around your tree. Draw pictures and write poems about your tree.
Apple Day - Have a tasting party where children sample various kinds of apples. Graph their favorite. Make applesauce, apply jelly, or apple pie. Cut apples in half diagonally, dip in paint, and print on paper. Do you see the star in the middle of the apple?
Art Fair - Set up art stations (painting, clay, collage, puppets, jewelry) around your room or playground.
Author's Tea - Encourage each child to write an original story. Edit their work and spend time on illustrations and covers. Invite parents to an "Author's Tea" where each child has the opportunity to share his/her book.
Backwards Day - Wear clothes backwards and follow your daily schedule backwards. Don't forget to eat your dessert first at lunchtime!
Beach Party - Bring beach towels and wear sunglasses, shorts, and bathing suits. Play beach ball games, beach music, and have a "cool" snack like popsicles. (This is a great way to add "sunshine" to a winter day!)