November 2004

Let's Play! - Games That Teach

Let's Play | Bucket | Shine | Show Me | Flippers | Puzzlers

 Stomp | Ogre | Concentration | Catch | Letter Categories

Catch and Tell

WHY? rhyming words, recall, oral language, phonics

WHAT? sponge ball, bean bag, paper ball (wadded up sheet of paper)

HOW? The teacher holds the ball and says, "Who can think of a word that rhymes with _____?"

After pausing for a few seconds, the teacher tosses the ball to a quiet child.

That child says a word that rhymes, and then throws the ball back to the teacher.

The game continues as the teacher says a word and children come up with rhyming words.


MORE? Call out a letter, color, shape, math fact, or other skill you want to reinforce. As children catch the ball, they name an object that fits the category. Use this strategy to review story elements and science facts.



Hint! This is a good transition game to play while children wait in line, as they clean up the room, or get ready to go home.



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