September 2004

Building Parent Partnerships

News | Backpacks | Volunteers | I was once. . . | Homework | Parent Conferences | Scrapbook


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Homework Folders - This is a great strategy for helping children develop responsibility and for encouraging a strong home/school partnership. First, let each child decorate the outside of a pocket folder. Have them trace around their "left" hand on the left pocket. At the end of each day children put completed work in that pocket and it is "left" at home. Have them trace around their "right" hand on the right pocket. Homework sheets, permission slips, and other papers to be returned "right" back to school are put in that pocket.

Homework Folders
Left and Right

Use a weekly homework sheet similar to the one below.
From a teacher's standpoint, this
is convenient because after you fill it out and put it in the child's folder on Monday,
you don't have to worry about homework the rest of the week. From a parent's
standpoint it's also fantastic because you can clearly see what skills children are working on and keep up daily.
For younger children avoid "paper - pencil" homework and focus on activities where children and their parents have quality time, such as reading, saying
nursery rhymes, etc.
(Check out May, 2004 for parent/child interactive activities.)
Hint! Save the weekly homework sheets in the children's permanent folders and give
parents feedback at conference time.


Home/School Weekly Journal - Each Friday afternoon have children write a letter to
their parents about something special they learned or did at school that week. The
parents write a response to their child over the weekend. On Monday morning children
can share their parent's notes with classmates.


                                              Weekly Homework Sheet

Monday: ______________________________________


Tuesday: _____________________________________


Parent Signature/Comments:  _____________________________________


Parent Signature/Comments:  _____________________________________

Wednesday: ____________________________________


Thursday: ______________________________________


Parent Signature/Comments: _____________________________________


Parent Signature/Comments: _____________________________________


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