September 2004

Building Parent Partnerships

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Family Books
and Art Projects

Family Books and Art Projects -
Ask each parent to contribute a page to a book called "The Proud Parent." Have them glue their child's photo to a sheet of paper and write a short paragraph about their child's unique qualities and why they are proud of their child.
Have each parent contribute a page to a class book called, "Believe It or Not, I Was Once a Kindergartener, First Grader, etc.
Parents write what they remember about being in school when they were their child's age.
Read the parents' entries, and then create a class book by binding them together.
Send home seasonal cutouts (such as gingerbread boys and girls, jack-o-lanterns, turkeys, hearts, kites, etc.) for children to decorate with their parents.
Display on a bulletin board or in the school hall.






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