(Tune: "The Bear Went Over the Mountain")
There are seven days in the week,
Seven days in the week, seven days in the week,
And I can name each one.
There's Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,
The last day is Saturday,
And I can name each one.
Yesterday was ___________.
Tomorrow will be _________.
But today is ____________,
And we'll have lots of fun.
(Tune: "Camptown Races")
January, February,
March, April,
May, June, July,
months of the year.
August, September,
October, November,
Last is December ~
The twelve months of the year.
Have children stand up when the month of their birthday is sung.
(Tune: "BINGO")
One child is the meteorologist. That child looks out the window and describes
the weather. Write the word on the board, then spell and sing it in this
There is some weather in the sky,
And sunny is it's name-o.
S-u-n-n-y, s-u-n-n-y, s-u-n-n-y,
And sunny is it's name-o.
Insert cloudy, foggy, rainy, snow, windy, etc. in the song.
(Tune: "He's Jolly Good Fellow")
When a child has been absent from school, make them feel welcome with this
Welcome back, child's name.
Welcome back, child's name.
Welcome back, child's name.
We're glad you're here today!
(Tune: "This Old Man")
When a child gets new shoes, have them stand in front of the class as you
sing this song.
(They could also make up a dance or skip around the room.)
Here's one foot. (Child stands up, points to
Here are two. shoes and dances around.)
Each is wearing a brand, new shoe.
So stand up turn around dance around the floor.
That's what these two feet are for.
(Tune: "Turkey in the Straw")
Help children celebrate the excitement of losing a tooth with this song.
Oh, look in (child's name) mouth
And what do you see?
A great, big hole where
A tooth used to be.
Well, he/she wiggled it and jiggled it
Until it was free.
Now there's a window when he/she smiles at me!
Hint! When they lose two teeth sing, "Now there's a garage door when
he/she smiles at me!"