Kids just want to have FUN! These games are a great way to build summer memories, friendships, and fitness. So turn off the TV, computer, and go outside and have a good time!

Here are a few hints to make these games a "winner":


Materials: playground ball

1. Stand in a circle and hold hands.
2. Place the ball inside the circle. Children try to kick the ball and keep it inside the circle. If the ball goes out of the circle between two people, then both people are out of the game. If a player kicks the ball too high and it goes over someone's head, then the player who kicked the ball is out of the game.
3. The game continues until there are just one or two players left.

WHAT'S THAT JIVE? (Similar to Red Rover)

Materials: none

1. Divide the children into two teams and have them stand in a line
facing each other 30 to 40 feet apart.
2. One team calls for a player from the other team with this chant:

(Child's name), (child's name)
What's that jive?
Come on over
And give me five.

3. The team calling the chant holds their hands out in front of them
with their palms up. The child called proceeds down their line giving each player "five" by slapping their palms. If the child who is "it" slaps the palms and then slaps under their palms, that child chases "it" back to his or her original team. If "it" is caught, he or she must return to the opposing team, but if not, the chaser must joint "it's" team.
4. The game continues with teams taking turns calling players from the opposite side.

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