I LOVE sign language!

Here are a few reasons why I believe that sign language is a perfect vehicle for active learning in the virtual or traditional classroom.

1. It’s multi-sensory.

2. It’s engaging. Children are fascinated by the ability to "talk" with their hands.

3. It's a great learning tool for teaching letters, sight words, and vocabulary.  

4. It’s good for differentiated instruction and for children who are non-English speakers.

5. Sign language can be a powerful tool for classroom management.

6. Sign language integrates both hemispheres of the brain.

Best of all! It’s free and it’s simple. I’m excited to share sign language interpretations that Mariela Anderson has added to some of my favorite videos. What a perfect way to expose children in a meaningful and FUN way to a new language! Click here for the ASL playlist on my YouTube channel.

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