Picture Me!

Children LOVE pictures of themselves, don’t they?   If you’ll take photos of children and make multiple copies, you’ll be able to use them for dozens of games, books, and art projects throughout the school year.

Cut out 3” squares from cardstock.  Glue two photos of each child to the squares.  Children can use these for a matching activity.  They can also place photo cards face down on the floor and try to match pairs by turning over two cards at a time.
•Write the child’s name on one square and glue their photo to the other square for more a more challenging game.

Have children sort photo cards by beginning sounds, number of syllables, alphabetical order, etc.

Puppet People
Attach photos to straws or craft sticks and use for working out problems or
making up original stories.




TP People
Glue full body photos to TP rolls and use in the block center or with a puppet theater.


Flannel Friends
Attach a small piece of Velcro to the back of each photo and use with a flannel board.
Be sure to include a picture of the teacher!



Clothespin Kids     
Glue children’s faces to spring clothespins and store in a cookie tin.  Use for songs, asking questions, transitions, etc.



Hello Book

This book is perfect for helping children recognize their names and create friendships. You will need a photograph of each child, construction paper, book rings, and markers. Glue each child’s photo on a page. Write “Hello, (child’s name)” at the top of the page. Punch holes in the pages and put them together with book rings.

Use the book in the following ways:

Circle or Group Time: Start your day by reading the book together and saying hello to each other.

Questions: Use the book when you want to ask the class questions. Randomly turn to a page and call on that child to answer the question. This will allow “thinking time” and discourage children from shouting out the answer.

Transitions: Use this book to dismiss children for learning centers, to line up, and other transitions. Flip through the book and hold up different pictures. As the children see their photo, they may be dismissed, line up, and so on.

Sing and read this book to the tune of “Good Night, Ladies.”
            Hello, (child’s name).
            Hello, (child’s name).
            Hello, (child’s name).
            How are you today?

Kiss Your Brain
Make a similar book with the caption, “Kiss your brain child’s name.”

Got Milk?
Let children paint a white mustache on their photo and add the caption, “Got milk, child’s name?


Our Happy Day Book

This is a book that will help children feel comfortable as they learn the daily routine in your classroom.  Even if children can’t read the words, the pictures will provide them with clues about what to do.  Read the book each morning to prepare children and to capture their interest in activities you have planned.  Have children refer to the book to “see what we should do next.” 

First, take pictures of the children engaged in your daily activities and routines.  Glue pictures to construction paper and write captions similar to the ones suggested.  (Adapt to the age level of your students and your curriculum.)   Put the pages together and bind to make a book.

            Welcome to Marshall School

Put away your backpack and get ready for a great day!                                               
We start our day with circle time and a song!                                                                   
We talk, do the calendar, and learn together.

Next, it’s time for language arts. 
We read, write, listen, and learn!
Time to go outside for P.E.
We need to exercise our bodies as well as our brains.

Next comes math!  We count, add, subtract, measure,
graph, and think!

Time for lunch.  
I’m hungry!  How about you?
Story time is always special.
Books are friends that we love to visit again and again.

Then it’s time for learning centers.
Let’s recall and review our day.
Don’t forget your backpacks!

 Good-bye, friends!
 See you tomorrow!

The Name of My School
Do you get tired of children saying, “Teacher, teacher!” the first few days of school.  This song will enable them to learn the name of their teacher, school, principal, as well as their community, city, state, and country.

Take photographs of yourself, the principal, the school, your community, and so forth.  Glue pictures to construction paper and write a verse similar to those below on each page.  Sing the words to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus.”

The name of my school is (school’s name), (school’s name), (school’s name).
 The name of my school is (school’s name).
 That’s the name of my school.

The name of my teacher is (teacher’s name), (teacher’s name),
(teacher’s name)…


The name of my principal is…
The name of my librarian is…
The name of my P.E. teacher is…

Hint!  Include social studies concepts so children learn the name of your mayor, governor, the President, your continent, etc.

Who Do You See?
We all know wonderful Bill Martin’s “Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?”  Your children will love saying and “reading” this version with you.  Put each child’s photo on a page with this chant at the top:

            Child’s name, child’s name, who do you see?
On the bottom of the page write:
            I see second child’s name looking at me.

On the last add the teacher’s photo with this rhyme:
            Children, children, who do you see?
            I see teacher’s name looking at me.
            Teacher’s name, teacher’s name, who do you see?
            I see happy children ready to learn with me!

Make two copies of this book so one child can take it home each day to share with their families.

Introduce children to school helpers with a similar book with the principal, secretary, custodian, dietician, PE teacher, music teacher, and other specialists.


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