Bridging “Play” and “Standards” through Centers

Add these materials to learning centers in your classroom to encourage children to read and write in meaningful ways:

Math –           paper, pencil, adding machine tape
                      coupons, calculator, play money
                      graphs, posters
                      counting books, shape books

Science –       charts, research books, identification books
                      science magazines, labeled collections
                      clipboard, pens, notebook

Dramatic Play – shopping list, chalk board
                      memo pad, pens, pencils
                      magazines, books
                      puppets, stuffed animals, babies to “read” to
                      junk mail, menus, catalogs
                      class phone book

Blocks –        paper and markers to make labels and signs
                     blue prints, sticky notes
                     photos of different homes and buildings
                     block book, alphabet blocks

Art –            Rebus direction charts, labels for materials
                    variety of art media, markers, paint


 Computer –  reading games, printer
                    kinder keyboard, fly swatter 
                    file folder PC
Table Toys –  play dough, letter cookie cutters 
                      play dough book, sewing cards
                      letter beads to string
                      paper, hole punch, scissors
                      letter stencils, colored pencils

Sand and Water – magnetic letters (hide in sand)
                        ping pong balls (write letters and 
                        words on them and children 
                        scoop with fishnet)

Playground –  letter hopscotch
                      beach balls with letters
                      chalk board for keeping score
                      giant chalk to write with on sidewalk

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