Children develop concepts about science, technology, math, and engineering in natural ways with learning centers, but it’s equally important to provide direct learning experiences.  Topics of study will be influenced by your state standards, as well as the interest and age level of your students. 

Here is a toolbox with examples of strategies and tools that you can integrate into your specific themes.  These are parts of the puzzle you can put together to develop an integrated lesson and learning opportunity that’s full of STEAM.

Thanks to Carolyn Kisloski for sharing these downloads that are samples from her STEAM learning packets.



WHY?   Instilling a love of science and a belief that “I AM A SCIENTIST” is a powerful attitude to plant in young childrn. 

WHAT?   old white dress shirts (Ask children to bring these in or purchase them at a thrift store.)

HOW?   1. Cut the sleeves off the shirts and write their names on the pocket.  (You could let them write “Dr. Child’s name.”)

2. Whenever you do science, let the children put on their lab coats like real scientists.  Relate how you can observe, make hypotheses, predict, experiment, do research, and record data just like real scientists.

3.  Teach children this song.
(Click here to download the song)
I Know a Scientist  (Tune:  “I Had a Little Turtle”)
I know a scientist,                     (Hold up index finger.)
And you can be one, too!          (Point with index finger.)
Here’s the scientific method
So you’ll know what to do.

First you find a question.           (Hold up one finger.)
Just take a look around.             (Pretend to look around.)
What is it that you want to know?
Now you write it down.   

Next you make a guess—           (Hold up two fingers.)
It’s called a hypothesis—
About what will happen
When you do your tests.

Now experiment,                          (Hold up three fingers)
Observe it, write it, too.                (Hold up four fingers.)
You’ll need lots of data
To show your guess is true.

Draw your conclusions.                 (Hold up five fingers.)
Look into any doubts.
Then tell everybody
What you’ve found out!

Here is a YouTube video of this song:

CONNECTIONS:     Teach children vocabulary for different categories of scientists.  For example, when studying insects refer to the children as “entomologists.” When doing a unit on weather call them “meteorologists.”

•Use safety goggles instead of lab coats when doing science.

•Invite scientists (parents, community) to be guest speakers and discuss their careers with the children.


Use this cover page to make a science journal for each child.  This journal can be a powerful tool for children to draw observations, record data, recall experiences, and practice non-fiction writing. 

Hint!  Have children take their journals home once a week to prompt conversations with their families about what they are doing at school. 
Encourage parents to write their “comments and compliments” in the journals.    Click to download Journal cover pages.





from Water Cycle

Materials:  small tub of water, common objects (plastic toy, rock, ball of clay, paper clip, etc.) observation sheet

Children write the name of the object in the first section.  In the second section they predict if the object will sink or float.  Next, they place the object in the water and then record their observation in the final section. Click here to download pages from Carolyn Kisloski's book.