Recipes for FUN!
Simple ideas for songs, finger plays, nursery rhymes cooking activities, science explorations, crafts, and games families can do together. Run these ideas off and send them home or put them on your class website.
Hint! Adapt the songs and activities to support your curriculum and units of study.
Song Silly ABC’s
Finger Play Here’s a Turtle
Nursery Rhyme Little Jack Horner
Cooking Stir Fried O’s
Science Mystery Mess
Craft Homemade Gifts
Game Play Balls
December Recipes for FUN!
Silly ABC’s
(Traditional Tune)
Now I’ve sung my ABC’s.
Next time sing them silly with me!
Hold your nose and pretend to sing with a cold.
Put your index finger between your lips and vibrate so it sounds like underwater singing.
Sing very slowly like a turtle.
Sing soft like a mouse.
Sing with a deep, loud voice like a monster.
Let your child suggest other silly ways to sing.
Here Is a Turtle
Here is a turtle. (Make fist.)He lives in a shell.
He likes his home
Very well.
When he gets hungry (Stick out thumb and wiggle.)
He comes out to eat.
Then he goes back into (Tuck thumb back in fist.)
His house to sleep.
Jack Horner
Little Jack Horner
Sat in a corner
Eating his Christmas pie.
He stuck in his thumb,
And pulled out a plumb,
And said,
“What a good boy am I!”
Stir Friend O’s
You will need:
butter or margarine
cinnamon sugar
- Wash your hands.
- Put 2 tablespoons of butter in the pan.
- Melt the butter, and then stir in 3 cups of Cheerios.
- Stir over medium heat until they are toasty and lightly browned.
- Sprinkle on cinnamon sugar and toss.
Hint! Use salt instead of cinnamon sugar and it will taste like popcorn!
Homemade Gifts
Mystery Mess
Materials: cornstarch
food coloring
measuring cup, bowl, spoon
Directions: Put one cup of cornstarch in the bowl. Slowly stir in about ½ cup of water. (You may need to add a little more water to make it the right consistency.) Add a few drops of food coloring to the mixture. Try to pick up your mystery mess and play with it. How is it like a solid? How is it like a liquid?
Wad up a sheet of paper and wrap masking tape around it to make a ball. Practice throwing and catching the ball. Use a box or basket to play basket ball.
Staple two paper plates together. Leave a 4” opening so you can insert your hand. Use like a racket and volley a balloon or paper ball back and forth
Let children use a child size broom and a foam ball to play hockey. The goal could be a box turned on its side.
Song Ring in the New Year
Finger Play Two Little Blackbirds
Nursery Rhyme Three Little Kittens
Cooking Birds in the Snow
Science Bird Feeders
Craft Snowflakes
Game Paper Plate Party
January Recipes for FUN!
Ring in the New Year
(We Wish You a Merry Christmas)
Let’s all do a little ringing, (Shake hands as if ringing bells.)
Let’s all do a little ringing,
Let’s all do a little ringing
It’s a Happy New Year!
Let’s all do a little clapping… (Clap hands.)
Let’s all do a little dancing… (Dance around.)
Let’s all do a little smiling… (Smile.)
When is your birthday?
When is your birthday?
When is your birthday?
Stand up and cheer.
Two Little Black Birds
Two little black birds
Sitting on a hill (Make fists and stick up thumbs.)
One name Jack (Wiggle right thumb.)
and one named Jill. (Wiggle left thumb.)
Fly away Jack. (Wiggle right thumb behind back.)
Fly away Jill. (Wiggle left thumb behind back.)
Come back Jack. (Bring back right thumb.)
Come back Jill. (Bring back left thumb.)
Additional verses:
Two little red birds sitting on a wall.
One named Pam and one named Paul.
Fly away Pam. Fly away Paul.
Come back Pam. Come back Paul.
Two little yellow birds sitting on a sled.
One named Tami and one named Ted.
Fly away Tami. Fly away Ted.
Come back Tami. Come back Ted.
Three Little Kittens
The three little kittens,
They lost their mittens,
And they began to cry,
“Oh, mother dear, we sadly fear,
our mittens we have lost.”
“What, lost your mittens?
You naughty kittens!
Then you shall have no pie.”
“Boo-hoo, boo-hoo,
we shall have no pie.”
The three little kittens,
They found their mittens,
And they began to cry,
“Oh, mother dear, see here, see here,
our mittens we have found.”
“What, found your mittens,
You darling kittens!
Then you shall have some pie.”
“Meow, meow,
we shall have some pie.”
Birds in the Snow
You will need:
cream cheese
sunflower seeds
- Wash your hands.
- Take a stalk of celery (the log).
- Spread cream cheese (snow) in the celery.
- Place raisins (birds) on top of the cream cheese.
- Add sunflower seeds (birdseed)! MMMM!
Feed the Birds
Skills: observing
Materials: plastic milk jug
scissors, yarn
Directions: Cut a hole in the side of the milk jug with scissors. Punch two holes in the top and tie on a piece of yarn for the hanger. Put a cup of birdseed in the bottom of the jug. Hang it in a tree. Add a small stick for a perch.
Adaptations: Place the bird feeder near a window. Check out a bird identification book from the library. Encourage the children to identify the birds that feed and write down their observations on a clipboard.
Make another birdfeeder by stringing cereal with holes on a pipe cleaner.
Spread honey or peanut butter on a Bavarian pretzel and sprinkle with seed. Tie on yarn so you can hang in a tree. Put honey on pinecones and then sprinkle with birdseed.
Cut shapes from stale brad and decorate with honey and birdseed.
Paper Plate Party
Give your child 2 paper plates. Put on some music and:
• Clap the plates like cymbals.
• Shuffle them to the beat.
• Tap on the hips, shoulders, and other body parts.
• Clap high, low, in front of you, behind.
• Play “follow the leader” as children take turns doing something with their plates as peers follow along.
• Place on the floor. Put one foot on each plate and skate around the room.
• Skate backwards. Skate on one foot. Skate with a friend.
Song I’m Bringing Home a Valentine for You
Finger Play King Kong
Nursery Rhyme Jack Be Nimble
Cooking Cinnamon Applesauce
Science Magic Pennies
Craft Magazine Puppets
Game Simon Says
February Recipes for FUN!
Bringing Home a Valentine
(Baby Bumblebee)
I’m bringing home a valentine for you, (Cup hands and move them to
One that says, “I love you.” the beat in front of your body.)
I’m bringing home a valentine for you
With a great big hug, and a (kiss) (kiss), too! (Hug self and then kiss
in the air.)
King Kong
(Say “King Kong” in a loud voice and
“teeny tiny monkey” in a squeaky voice.)
KING KONG (Flex arms.)
Was just a teeny
Tiny monkey (Hold up pinky.)
Compared to my love for you. (Cross arms over chest and then extend.)
KING KONG (Flex arms.)
Was just a teeny
Tiny monkey (Hold up pinky.)
Compared to my love for you. (Cross arms over chest and then extend.)
I love you day (Make circle with arms.)
And night. (Lay head on hands.)
My love is out of sight. (Hands in air.)
KING KONG (Flex arms.)
Was just a teeny
Tiny monkey (Hold up pinky.)
Compared to my love for you! (Softly say this line as you point to children.)
Jack Be Nimble
Jack be nimble.
Jack be quick.
Jack jump over
The candlestick.
Jump it lively.
Jump it quick.
But don’t knock over
The candlestick!
Cinnamon Applesauce
You will need:applesauce
cinnamon candies
- Wash your hands.
- Put applesauce in the cup.
- Count out 8 candies and put them in the cup.
- Stir, stir, stir until the applesauce turns pink and the candy dissolves.
- It’s a candy apple surprise!
Magazine Puppets
Materials: magazines, newspaper, scissors, straws, stapler or tapeDirections: Cut sports figures and other famous people out of newspapers or magazines. Staple or tape to a straw to make a puppet. What would your puppet say if it could talk?
Hint! Children could also cut family members, what they want to be when they grow up, etc. out of catalogs to make puppets. Or, cut out children’s photos and tape to a craft stick to make “personal puppets.”
Magic Pennies
Skills: experimenting; observingMaterials: old pennies
cup and spoon
Directions: Put ½ cup of vinegar in the cup. Add 1 TB salt and mix to dissolve. Drop the pennies in the cup and stir them around while you count to 25. Take the pennies out of the cup and rinse them off in water. Taaa Daaa! What happened to the pennies? What made them shiny?
Adaptations: Put this experiment in a learning center so children can repeat it.
Experiment shining pennies with ketchup or lemon juice.