Back to School with a Song!

August/September 2015

It’s that exciting time of year for you and your new students.  What can I give you that would be better than a month of music! You’ll find a good morning song to start your day, as well as tunes for transitions, math, phonics, wiggle songs, and a good-bye song.  Someone once said if you start your day with a song and end your day with a song everything else will fall into place.  Now you’ll be all set to go back to school with a song in your heart! The songs listed for August and September all come from my September Monthly Mix. Usually, this sells in my Song Store for $9.99. Until the end of September, you can download the entire September collection for free with the link at the bottom of this page. Keep on singing in your class and teach your students to have fun and learn with music.

Good Morning Song

Rise and Shine
Rise and shine,        (Bend down, then rise and put arms in air.)
And welcome to school today.           (Clap to the beat.)
Rise and shine,        (Bend down, then rise and put arms in air.)
And welcome to school today.           (Clap.)
Rise and shine,        (Bend down, then rise and put arms in air.)
And welcome to school today.           (Clap.)
We’re so glad you’re here!                    (Shake hands.)

A little louder…     (Sing loud.)
A little softer…       (Sing soft.)
Whisper version… (Whisper words.)


Rules Rap

The rules, the rules, the rules of the classroom.       (Snap fingers.)
The rules, the rules, the rules of the classroom.

Follow, follow, follow directions,                                  (Point index fingers.)
Follow, follow, follow directions.                                  Chorus

Feet and hands, feet and hands,                                 (Point to feet and hands.)
Feet and hands to yourself.                                           Chorus

Small voices inside, tall voices on the playground.          (Quiet and loud voice.)
Small voices inside, tall voices on the playground.          Chorus

Work together, don’t fight, or you’ll get in trouble.          (Clasp hands.)
Work together, don’t fight, or you’ll get in trouble.          (Point finger.)

Calendar Song

Days of the Week

Days of the week.    (Snap twice.)
Days of the week.    (Snap twice.)
Days of the week.  Days of the week.
Days of the week.    (Snap twice.)
There’s Sunday and there’s Monday,    (Hold up fingers as you count.)
There’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday,
There’s Thursday and there’s Friday,
And then there’s Saturday.

Check out this YouTube video that your students might like, too.                        Days of the Week -->


Math Song

Over in the Meadow

Over in the meadow in the sand and the sun
Lived an old mother froggie and her little froggie one.  (Hold up 1 finger.)
“Hop,” said the mother.  “I hop,” said the one.   (Pretend to hop your finger around.)
So they hopped and were glad in the sand and the sun.

Over in the meadow where the stream runs blue
Lived an old mother fishie and her little fishies two.  (Hold up 2 fingers.)
“Swim,” said the mother.  “We swim,” said the two.  (Pretend to swim.)
So they swam and were glad where the stream runs blue.

Over in the meadow in the nest in the tree
Lived an old mother birdie and her little birdies three.  (Hold up 3 fingers.)
“Fly,” said the mother.  “We fly,” said the three.  (Fly fingers around.)
So they flew and were glad in the nest in the tree.

Over in the meadow by the old apple core
Lived an old mother wormie and her little wormies four.  (Hold up 4.)
“Squirm,” said the other.  “We squirm,” said the four.   (Wiggle fingers.)
So they squirmed and were glad by the old apple core.

Over in the meadow by the big bee hive
Lived an old mother bee and her baby bees five.  (Hold up 5 fingers.)
“Buzz,” said the mother.  “We buzz, “ said the five.  (Fly fingers.)
So they buzzed and were glad by the big bee hive.

The First Twelve Days of School

On the first day of school  (Hold up 1 finger.)
My teacher gave to me
A book of the ABC’s.

2nd – two new pencils  (Hold up the appropriate number of fingers for each verse.)
3rd – three color crayons
4th – four glue sticks
5th – five gold stars
6th – six pairs of scissors
7th – seven school boxes
8th – eight spiral notebooks
9th – nine wooden rulers
10th – ten magic markers
11th – eleven pink erasers
12th – twelve library books

Here’s a link so you can download a book to go with the song:
First Twelve Days Book

Here is a link to a powerpoint: First Twelve PowerPoint

Phonics Song

Nursery Rhyme Rap

Jack and Jill went up the hill    (Clap hands to the beat.)

To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.

Chorus:          A B C D E F G  (Cross over right hand to left knee
                        H I J K L            and then left hand to the right knee.)
                        M N O P
                        Q R S
                        T U V W X Y Z

Continue singing other nursery rhymes with the chorus in between each verse.

A for apple a-a-a.  (Pretend to eat an apple.)
B for bounce B-B-B.  (Pretend to bounce a ball.)
C for cut c-c-c.  (Open and close index and middle finger like scissors.)
D for dig d-d-d.  (Pretend to dig.)
E – elbow  (Point to elbow.)
F – fan  (Fan self with hand.)
G – gallop  (Gallop in place.)
H – hop  (Hop on one foot.)
I – itch  (Scratch self.)
J – jump  (Jump up and down.)
K – kick  (Give a little kick.)
L – love  (Hug self.)
M – munch  (Pretend to chew.)
N – nod  (Shake head.)
O – opera  (Extend arms and sing dramatically.)
Q – quiet  (Put index finger on lips.)
R.  – run  (Run in place.)
S – sew  (Pretend to sew with a needle.)
T – talk  (Open and shut fingers and thumb.)
U – upside  (Put head down.)
V – volley  (Pretend to volley a ball.)
W – wiggle  (Wiggle all over.)
X – x-ray  (Make an “x” with arms.)
Y – yawn  (Stretch arms and yawn.)
Z – zigzag  (Make a zigzag in the air with your hand.)
Letter sounds are all you need.
Put them together and you can read!  (Pretend to hold a book open.)

Would you like a book to go with the song?  A good way to make these books so they last is to glue the first page to the front of a folder and then insert the pages in clear sheet protectors.

Click to download Alphardy book.    Click to download Alphardy chart.

You can put the chart in the listening center with the song so the  children can keep their “eye” on the letters.

Science/Social Studies

Five Senses
I have five senses that I use  (Hold up 5 fingers.)
to help me learn each day.
See, hear, smell, taste, touch.  (Point to eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and then hold up hands.)
See, hear, smell, taste, touch.
See, hear, smell, taste, touch,
I use them every day.

My five senses help me learn,
They’re pathways to my brain.
See, hear…
They’re pathways to my brain.

Now, let’s play a little game
How many senses can you name?
-     -    - - -
-     -    - - -
-     -    - - -
Five senses you can name.

Wiggle and Have FUN Songs

Cool Bear Hunt

Chorus:          We’re going on a bear hunt.  (Slap thighs.)
                        We’re going to catch a big one,  (Spread hands far apart.)
                        With big green eyes,  (Make circles by your eyes.)
                        And a fuzzy little tail.  (Put hands on back and wiggle.)

Look over there.  (Point index fingers.)
It’s a candy factory.
Can’t go over it.  (Raise your arms up.)
Can’t go under it.  (Put your hands down by the floor.)
Can’t go around it.  (Make arms in a circle.)
Guess we’ll go through it.  (Pretend to stuff candy in your mouth.)
Yum, yum, yum, yummmm.  (Pat your tummy.)

Look over there.
It’s a peanut butter river…   (Pretend to swim with arms.)

Look over there.  (Wiggle all over.)
It’s a Jell-o swamp…

Look over there. 
It’s a cave…
It’s cold in here.  (Shiver.)
I see two big green eyes,
And a fuzzy little tail.
It’s a bear!
Go through the Jell-o swamp.   (Wiggle.)
Swim across the peanut butter river.  (Swim arms.)
Go through the candy factory.   (Pretend to eat candy.)
Run home.  (Run in place.)
Open the door.  Shut the door.  (Pretend to open and shut a door.)
We went on a bear hunt,
And we weren’t afraid!  (Put thumbs in chest as if boasting.)

Silly Willy

I know a little boy,  yeah!
His name is Silly Willy, yeah!
He is so very nice, but,
Oh, he acts so silly.
And so goes his right arm           (Begin moving right arm.)
And his right arm goes like so,
And his right arm is always soooo.

And so goes his left arm…          (Move left arm.)
And so go his feet…                     (Dance feet as you move arms.)
And so goes his head…               (Move arms, feet, and head.)
And so goes his tongue…           (Stick tongue in an out as you move
                                                            arms, feet, and head.)

The Wheels on the Bus

The wheels on the bus                 (Move hands in circular motion.)
Go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus
Go round and round,
All around the town.

Wipers – swish, swish, swish…                (Palms up and move back and forth.)
Horn – beep, beep, beep…                   (Pretend to beep horn.)
Lights – blink, blink, blink…                      (Open and close fists.)
Doors – open and shut…                         (Palms together, then spread apart.)
Driver on the bus…”Move on back”…          (Stick up thumb.)
Children on the bus – bounce up and down…(Bounce up and down.)

Seasonal Songs

I Like to Come to School
I like to come to school.   (Point to self.)
I like to come to school.
I like to learn and play each day
I like to come to school.
I like to make new friends…  (Point to friends.)
I like to read and write… (Pretend to open a book and read it.)
I like to do math…  (Hold up fingers as if counting.)
I like to sing and draw… (Pretend to scribble in the air.)

Super Star Chant
Echo Chant – Children repeat each line as you clap, march, or slap your thighs.

(School), (School) is the best!        (Insert the name of your school.)
(School)  is better than all the rest! 
We can read and we can write
And our letters are out of sight.
We can count and we can add
And that makes our teacher glad!
We make new friends and follow rules.
Getting along is really cool.
We can learn and we can play
And we prove it everyday!
(School), (School) is the best!
(School)  is better than all the rest!
We are super, yes we are.
Look out world, here comes a star.

Gray Squirrel
Gray squirrel, gray squirrel,  (Hold up hands like paws.)
Swish your bushy tail.
Gray squirrel, gray squirrel,
Swish your bushy tail.  (Wiggle bottom.)
Wrinkle up your little nose,  (Wrinkle nose.)
Hide a nut between your toes.  (Put paws together.)
Gray squirrel, gray squirrel,
Swish your bushy tail.
Climb up in the tallest tree.  (Pretend to climb with hands.)
Let your tail blow in the breeze…  (Wiggle bottom.)
If you’ll be a friend of mine,   (Point to self.)
I will be a friend of yours…  (Point to a friend.)

Your students will enjoy reading and singing along with this book.

Click to download Gray Squirrel printable

Good-Bye Song

It Is Time to Say Good-Bye

Clap your hands.   (Clap your hands and stomp one foot.)
Stomp your feet.
It is time to say good-bye to all my friends.
It is time to say good-bye to all my friends.
It is time to say good-bye,
Give a smile and wink your eye.   (Smile and then wink your eye.)
It is time to say good-bye to all my friends.  (Pretend to wave good-bye.)


Link to download September Monthly Mix. Click here.

Please note that this is a large zip file. It may take a while to download. We have discovered that these zip files work just fine on Mac and Windows. To download them to your iPad or iPhone, you will probably need an app to unzip the file. Please click here for more info before downloading to your iPhone or iPad.

For the month of August only, you can purchase the entire Monthly Music Mix, nine albums for September through May for only $59.99. For August only, you can save $20 on the complete Monthly Music Mix.

Complete Monthly Mix August Special is over. Watch for new YouTube videos and a Tooty Ta ringtone on iTunes.

You can still purchase the individual months for the price of $9.99 each. Here’s a link if you’re interested in ordering more of my monthly music mixes:
Click here for individual months.


Check out the "official list of Dr. Jean videos" on YouTube. Click here.


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