April 2015
Grocery Sacks
Big books – Cut the front and back panels from paper grocery sacks and use for making class books.
Glue fast food sacks to pages to make a book called “We Eat.”
When talking about fast foods, take advantage of the “teachable moment” by discussing why it is not good to eat fast foods all the time. Make book called “Yum! Yum! For My Body and Tum!” with healthy food choices.

Costumes – Cut a large circle from the bottom of the sack and smaller circles from the sides. Children can decorate with markers, paints, or crayons and wear like costumes.
Cut a slit up the front to make a vest.

Story house – Staple the bottom flap of the sack to make a pocket. Fold down the top corners and staple to make a roof. Decorate the front to look like a house, castle, barn, etc. Make stick puppets and store them in the pocket on the back.
Backpack – Cut an arch from the front of the sack as shown. Trim off the excess from the sides and back. Fold down the front flap and add a small strip of Velcro. Staple on straps made out of fabric scraps. Let children decorate with markers, crayons, stickers, etc.

Portfolio – Follow directions above. Keep flat and save samples of children’s work.
Use for a “poetry portfolio” or for creative writing.

Puppet – Children can use the bottom of the sack to make the head of a favorite book character, animal, or famous person. Decorate the rest of the body with paper scraps, markers, etc.
Tie on a piece of string and wear around the neck like a body puppet.

Brain sprinkles – Add a spoonful of rice and cover with paper. Glue on the lid and write “brain sprinkles” on the front.

Bounce and catch – Children hold a can and bounce and catch a tennis ball in it.

Bank – Cut a slit in the top. Children can count out poker chips or coins and insert them in the slot.

Paint easel – Cut twp 20” x 24” panels from a box. Tape at the top. Punch holes in the sides and tie on string so it can stand up on a table like an easel. Use clothes pins to attach paper to the top.

Flannel board – Follow the directions for making a easel. Glue felt to one side to make a flannel board.
Cutting caboose – Cut one side off a large box. Place on the floor so it looks like a train car. Cut a door in one side. Tie scissors to the box and fill with scrap paper, junk mail, etc. Children can sit in the “caboose” and cut and tear til their heart’s content!
Book club house – Cut a door and windows out of a large appliance box. Let children decorate like a clubhouse with paints or markers. Fill with books and pillows for a special reading area.

Clip board – Cut 9” x 12” sections from corrugated cardboard. Attach a butterfly clip at the top and use it like a clip board.
If you laminate a sheet of paper you can attach it and use like a wipe off board.
Forms – Let children fill out forms that come in the mail or other inserts.
Catalogs – Use catalogs for art projects, games, and for making puppets.
Stamps – Recycle used stamps into pins, book covers, etc.
Predictable books – Let children use junk mail and catalogs to make books, such as “I like…” “I want…” “I can read…”